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Can't find them anywhere!

I didn't know if I should post this under the Meditation sub-forum or put it in the General Banter as to avoid clogging up dedicated sub forums for specific threads.

Anyhow I'm wondering where I can can hold of mala necklaces which have "Big" beads, I found some online ages ago but forgot to bookmark. Literally cannot find them at all now online.

The only example I can think of to show you what kind of mala I mean, if you google "Akuma" he wears one similar to the type I am looking for.

Thanks in advance!


  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited October 2010

    This is just the first one I found when googling "oversized mala," though be careful, google thought I meant oversized male and I got a ton of links to website where men are complaining about having too large male genitalia... which makes absolutely no sense to me but okay.
  • edited October 2010
    Can't seem to find "oversized mala" necklaces anywhere, I do like that wrist mala though! I may get it, Thanks!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
  • edited October 2010
    This is probably not going to be received well, but it might open up some options with a little adjustment.

    I once knew a guy who was catholic who had rosaries the size of tennis balls pinned to his wall so if you were willing to branch out and look for rosaries which you could then modify to serve as malas I'm sure you could find something suitable. Obviously they wouldn't be "dedicated" malas in the sense that they were specifically meant for buddhists, but it might widen your search options just a touch provided you were willing to do a little of your own handiwork to make them suitable for your needs.:scratch:

    Just a thought.
  • edited October 2010
    Nifty idea nanimo, I might have to try something like that.

    I'll have a look around for a few more days when I'm online to try and find some, if I'm still having no luck I guess I can DIY it haha.

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