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Dealing with anger

edited October 2010 in Buddhism Basics
Here's the situation. I just watched a political commentator of some repute trying very hard and very obviously to get a group of experts to say what he wanted them to. Happily 3 out of 4 didn't. But it made me angry because this man's show is on Public Television which is supposedly impartial.

Obviously I'm still angry. I've tried to stand back from my anger and view it objectively, but what I come up with is, I've got good reason to be angry.

What's the Buddhist way of coping?


  • edited October 2010
    Let go of it. What good is being angry doing you?
  • edited October 2010
    Let go of it. What good is being angry doing you?
    Not a bit of good, but I can't seem to let it go. How do I do that?
  • edited October 2010
    There is nothing inherently wrong with anger. The thing to watch for is the resulting thoughts and actions. Anger is a natural response to certain things (your conditioning usually dictates what makes you angry) just as happiness is a natural reaction. Mindfulness is important. We have to know when our reactions are appropriate, we especially need to be aware when our reaction to an emotion is in danger of creating disfavorable karma for yourself or others.
  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Practice loving kindness... and then, when they least suspect it, BAM... the ol' fork-in-the-eye!
  • edited October 2010
    Practice loving kindness... and then, when they least suspect it, BAM... the ol' fork-in-the-eye!
    :lol: You're not helping.
  • edited October 2010
    Also, "letting go" doesn't always equate to "poof... its gone!" It's a process of dealing with it... then dealing with it again... and finally again... until finally something that could send you through the roof before hardly raises an eyebrow.
  • edited October 2010
    There is nothing inherently wrong with anger. The thing to watch for is the resulting thoughts and actions. Anger is a natural response to certain things (your conditioning usually dictates what makes you angry) just as happiness is a natural reaction. Mindfulness is important. We have to know when our reactions are appropriate, we especially need to be aware when our reaction to an emotion is in danger of creating disfavorable karma for yourself or others.

    There is something inherently wrong with anger...i'm quite sure the buddha made that clear. Of course I don't mean that argumentatively, just sayin you should most definitely avoid anger.

    As far as how to move on, just think of how unskillful anger is. Anger takes away from merit you have built up, and overall only has negative effects, so what purpose is there in holding onto it?
  • edited October 2010
    Probably in a different context. There is nothing inherently wrong with the feeling of anger. It's just an emotion, chemicals and electricity surging through the brain. The danger... the "wrong" is in how you react. There is nothing inherent about anything.
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited October 2010
    It's very, very hard to let go of anger when you're talking about politics. I know it is for me. Sometimes I try to sit back and watch a program about the history of the earth or something, just to realize that what pissed me off is SO transient, SO impermanent, and SO utterly meaningless in the big picture that it's not worth my energy. But it's still hard when I hear, see, and read about people who obviously don't give a rat's behind about anybody but themselves. I've devoted a good portion of my life and energy to helping those less fortunate, or who can't help themselves, and these people come blithely along without a thought to anyone by themselves, advocating all kinds of things that are going to make the plight of the less fortunate even worse than it already is.

    You see, here I go again :)

    Om mani padme hum...
  • edited October 2010
    What is it telling you about yourself, your wants and needs?
  • edited October 2010
    I've read quite a lot that says that anger is bad, but i'll quote something I just read.
    Do not allow yourself to become angry...If you allow yourself to have thoughts of anger, you will hinder your own Way, and lose the merit and virtue you have gained....The harm from anger ruins all good dharmas and destroys one's good reputation. People of the present and of the future will not even wish to see this person...You should know that a heart of anger is worse than a fierce fire. You should always guard against it, and not allow it to enter you, for of the thieves which rob one's merit and virtue, none surpasses anger.

    I understand the point you're making, but it's somewhat misleading. Now of course being angry and not acting on it is better than being angry and acting on it, but it's still best to avoid altogether.
  • edited October 2010
    Right, this is in the context of being angry. Responding to the feeling of anger. Anger just happens, but thats not the bad thing. It's the following thoughts and actions. You could say the sutra is misleading. It speaks of anger as if anger is a thing. It says "and not allow it to enter you". But we know that isn't what it means.
  • edited October 2010
    Hi Nature Lover

    Remember when anger arises within us we are the first victim of that anger. To think we have reason to be angry is a confused perception, that needs purifying or relinquishing, as its that very perception that creates and fuels our suffering/anger.

    The skill of letting it go is the whole path! And its a skill that is acquired and perfected gradually

    The most skillful way to let go would be to see the impermanence of the perceptions and feelings that arise with your anger thereby creating detachment.
    However that depends on your mindfulness and concentration. You should use all the skills you have at your disposal to rid yourself of that anger.....maybe focus on the breath, this is an amazing tool because if your breath is calm and comfortable its only because your mind is at ease and vice versa, so thats a very concrete way of maintaining a healthy mind and checking what state it is in. Stay aware of your breath and keep it calm and smooth. Or maybe direct your thoughts elsewhere, preferable to something uplifting...all of this can help.

    Metta :)
  • edited October 2010
    Right, this is in the context of being angry. Responding to the feeling of anger. Anger just happens, but thats not the bad thing. It's the following thoughts and actions. You could say the sutra is misleading. It speaks of anger as if anger is a thing. It says "and not allow it to enter you". But we know that isn't what it means.

    I don't understand how you can disagree when the buddha specifically says "do not allow yourself to get angry" and says the negatives of angry thoughts. If you're angry recognize it, but best to not be angry. People who get angry very easily lose merit in doing so, and are certainly not that far along the path. You can disagree though, we're all free to our opinions :)

    Now if we're just dealing with semantics I agree it's not "bad" per se, but it is best to not get angry.
  • edited October 2010
    The initial feeling of anger is not like getting or being angry. It just happens sometimes. As I said, it's the reaction... the thoughts and actions that are borne of the initial feeling of anger that are problematic. These are the things that can be labeled "bad". This is one of those situations were the snake and rope anology might work. Anger is not a snake. It's your reaction to the anger that is to be worried about. We shouldn't be overly concerned with the feeling of anger. It can go just as quickly as it came, that depends on how you deal with it. I never mentioned anything about being angry being nothing to worry about.
  • edited October 2010
    I think it's just an issue of semantics at this point, I don't think we're really disagreeing or at least not that much :)
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2010
    anger is like a hot coal, the longer you hold onto it, the longer it will cause you to be burnt :)
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited October 2010
    This is how you deal with anger regarding political commentators. :)
  • edited October 2010
    What is it telling you about yourself, your wants and needs?
    I want people to be reasonable on impt topics. I want people to listen rather than imposing their own agenda.

    And I guess I want people to agree with me instead of being jackbuns.

    You say I've got a 'me' problem?
  • edited October 2010
    seeker242 wrote: »
    This is how you deal with anger regarding political commentators. :)

    I should view such people as very kind? :lol:
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited October 2010
    I should view such people as very kind? :lol:

    Not really because they obviously are not. :). However, a skillful way to diffuse pointless anger is to view them as deluded, unconscious beings that suffer and create suffering for others and for themselves, which is true. For example, if you are being mindful, you don't get angry at an infant for knocking something off the table that lands on your foot and hurts you. The reason why is because, by being mindful, you can see that it simply does not know any better. It is completely ignorant of the fact that pushing something off the end of the table will result in it landing on your foot and hurting you or someone else or perhaps even itself, etc. People who are selfish and do things just for themselves, at the expense of others, are completely ignorant of the consequences of their actions. Compared to an enlightened mind, people that act like this have a mind that is no different than that of an infant.
    I want people to be reasonable on impt topics. I want people to listen rather than imposing their own agenda.

    And I guess I want people to agree with me instead of being jackbuns.

    Of course that is reasonable to want that, but is it actually possible to achieve that? No matter what you do, there will always be people who are selfish, unreasonable jackbuns that don't agree with you.
  • edited October 2010
    Seeker242, Very helpful. Thanks.
  • AllbuddhaBoundAllbuddhaBound Veteran
    edited October 2010
    The entire idea that anger must be avoided at all costs, is absolutely incorrect. I think it is dangerous to give people that impression. A pretty effective way to deal with anger that I have discovered is something called HEALS. It is transformative in respect to anger.

    First it suggests we feel our anger so imagining this public speaker would likely be triggering enough for the original poster.

    Then, get in touch with our values. Really feel them. Get in touch with the feeling you have when you do something altruistic. Think about the things we love in life. When you have experienced that feeling, think about yourself in loving terms. Then think about the person you are angry at. Do they have values similar to yours? What do you assume their values are? In all likelihood, their values are very similar to yours. Even the talkshow host likes to feel he is being helpful. He likes to feel he is contributing. Those are examples of some of the values that he likely has and are very similar to yours. When you begin thinking about how alike you are, that is the beginning of empathy.

    Once you have began to establish empathy with this person, it is much easier to let things go. It sounds fairly complicated but actually, when you practice it enough, it becomes second nature and quite simple to react in a kind and empathic way.

    Our anger is fueled by differences in people, not similarities. When we focus on differences, we escalate resentment.

    Once a person gets to this place where they feel empathy, they are ready to begin solving problems in a logical way.

    But don't believe me, try it for yourself. The approach is called Heals and the E is for experience your emotions, a is for access your values, L is for love yourself and S is for solve the problem. It is an extremely effective manner in which to treat problem anger. The man who developed the process is named Steven Stosny and a good book of his is Love Without Hurt. I highly recommend it to anyone who has problems with anger.

    Buddha taught people to be logical, kind and patient. He also taught them not to avoid their emotions. The whole idea behind presence is to never kill your emotions but embrace them. This approach is consistent with those teachings.
  • edited October 2010
    It seems to me that the "solution" to anger is to be "present". Most likely, what ever we are angry at happened in the past, even the immediate past, and we are just dwelling on it in the present moment. Maybe this is a gross oversimplification, and obviously being present continuously is the hardest part of our practice.
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