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Realm of Demi-Gods

edited October 2010 in Buddhism Basics
I've been reading about Buddhist conceptions of the six worlds, and one of the worlds resonates with my own experience: "Realm of the Demi-Gods".

Basically, these are demigods who are jealous of the real Gods, who live lives of splendour and pleasure.

The demigods are characterized by jealousy, struggle and combat.

I feel that this is my own burden. I grew up quite comfortable but not rich; I have to work but it is not unpleasant; I was given a pleasing physical form; I went to good schools, though not the very best. In short, I have been placed in a spot where, like Buddhist literal tradition, I can SEE the gods - the beautiful people, the witty, the aristocratic, the wealthy - but I cannot be one of them. I suffered mightily from this - experiencing envy, self-hatred, so many negative emotions.

My question is this: what is the best path for someone in this realm? I fear that my ego will always want those things, and taunt me for turning to Buddhism as an escape for not pursuing them.

And yet, I know how hollow those things are in reality and their hold over me has diminished greatly (tho this may be from age rather than wisdom).

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!


  • edited October 2010
    normalname wrote: »
    And yet, I know how hollow those things are in reality and their hold over me has diminished greatly (tho this may be from age rather than wisdom).

    Seems like you answer your own question. The trick is to develop confidence in yourself in terms of your own answer to the question. Maybe reflection on the precious human rebirth would help.
  • nanadhajananadhaja Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Seems like you answer your own question. The trick is to develop confidence in yourself in terms of your own answer to the question. Maybe reflection on the precious human rebirth would help.
    Well said Grasshopper.
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