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Question re "Networking" in user cp
What does it to mean in this context to be "contacts" with someone? To be "friends"?
Actual answer: "Contact" can be added unilaterally, "Friend" requires approval from the other person.
I like the friend feature, as it allows me to reach out to people in a more personal way. Also, I use it, as some others do, too. On the other hand, I loathe Facebook, and have dropped it. My family got me to join, and I know it would be good to be on there for my career, but I simply cannot stand the idle chatter and keeping up and the multiple friend requests.
Sorry if my strong language about Facebook offends anyone, but I do have five or six dislikes that I simply cannot govern. Although I cannot tolerate intolerance in others, I find myself, willy nilly, forced to accept a few intolerances of my own.