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I feel badly about this, but what else to do?

MountainsMountains Veteran
edited November 2010 in General Banter
So yesterday afternoon I found - to my horror - that my basement is infested with black widow spiders. I must admit to not being fond of things that are venomous that are living in my house, spiders in particular. I know they have as much right to a happy life (as happy as a spider's life is) as I do, but I have dogs and a cat who could easily be killed by a black widow's bite (and it's no fun for people either).

So today I had an exterminator come and treat the whole house. I know it's not the best way to handle it, but I really can't live with the paranoia of having to look in my shoes, shake out clothing, etc.



  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Though, "rights" are our little judgments. ;) We have the burden of the ability to weigh the consequences and should always employ compassion and seek a peaceful solution. Sometimes though the skillful action may be the least harmful between two choices, rather than abstention from any harm (which sometimes, unfortunately, is not reasonable in all situations we find ourselves in).

    To decide upon protecting more complex lifeforms that are exponentially more entrenched in the sense-sphere and developed in mind factors (not to mention humans)... would be the right choice I think. At least in my estimation a middle-weight dog is worth a nest of spiders. That's an absolutely slipshod and questionable valuation that no one should borrow, and who am I?, but still there it is. A fully enlightened being would not kill the spiders, but in fairness neither would they knowingly remain in the line of fire; they'd just walk somewhere else as they are not attached to your basement while at the same time not foolishly risking a life.

    You can't just do that. :) Don't feel so bad, the negativity of the decision is less than you think, or at least that's my thinking.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Remember the Buddhist Monastery/retreat centre, with their massive invasion of cockroaches......

    Be well.
    Recite a Mala for the release of the spiders' suffering.
    Intention is all.
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