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Buddhism was way ahead of its time

Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal DhammaWe(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
edited November 2010 in Buddhism Today
So I'm taking a Philosophy class focusing on Existentialism, and reading Descartes, Pascal, Sartre, etc is so mind-blowing. I am making all these connections between these philosophers and Buddhism. Heck, Pascal even states that life is misery and suffering; Sartre said that equating one's emotions, social role, etc to one's being is acting in "bad faith," and realizing that one's existence is separate from one's projections of self (emotions, social role, etc) is a form of nothingness, and it seems that he is saying that in a positive way.

Just wanted to share this! Not sure if it's the right part of the forum.


  • Floating_AbuFloating_Abu Veteran
    edited November 2010

    Just wanted to share this!

    Thanks Invincible
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited November 2010
    I still think, in the universal scheme of things, Buddhism is still ahead of it's time. Even HHDL stated that, even now if something is proven to be true, Buddhism requires that we recognize and embrace that truth.

    Not, "Try to think up some bullshit explanation or retort because some new truth refutes our retarded sacred texts and teachings." like followers of some beliefs are so readily apt to do.

  • edited November 2010
    Buddha was enlightened.

    Can't get more ahead of his time than that.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    edited November 2010
    He was.
  • edited November 2010
    The first time I ever read What The Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula, I was really blown away and had the impression that his teachings was ahead of its time.
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