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Would you eat

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited November 2010 in General Banter
cheese made from human breast milk?


  • edited November 2010
    I already do.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2010
    I have.
    In France.

    It's fine, what's the problem?

    I mean, it's not cannibalism, is it?
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited November 2010

    I'm not a cheese fan as it is and just don't feel like going there.

    As for Freddy's comment --

    Is there anything in France that those people won't eat!?!?!!?

  • edited November 2010
    In an ideal world, I suppose it would be alright if a touch exotic.

    It just doesn't appeal to me. That may be however because human breast milk would remind me of the fluids one might expect to see if one were to meditate on a corpse. Just no desire there.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm not sure why people think its weirder to drink milk from a ladies boob than it is to drink milk from a cows boob?
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited November 2010
    nanimo wrote: »
    In an ideal world, I suppose it would be alright if a touch exotic.

    It just doesn't appeal to me. That may be however because human breast milk would remind me of the fluids one might expect to see if one were to meditate on a corpse. Just no desire there.


    Why did you have to go THERE!?!?!

    Lunch just isn't going to happen for me today -_-

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited November 2010
    I'm not sure why people think its weirder to drink milk from a ladies boob than it is to drink milk from a cows boob?

    Cuz cows have really hot nipples?

  • edited November 2010
    Sorry bout that Buddhafoot. It's just what came to mind when I saw the topic. I'd offer some M.O.M.(milk of magnesia) if it would help, but I have a feeling I'd be digging that hole deeper.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited November 2010
    It's okay.

    I think I'm just going to have a couple of crackers and call it good :)

  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited November 2010
    I'm not sure why people think its weirder to drink milk from a ladies boob than it is to drink milk from a cows boob?

    I shoulda clipped an opinion column on the subject years ago. It was really well written and cool. I knew the guy who wrote it, "Uncle Billy," in a Beaufort, SC weekly.

    He argued that cows milk just made kids stubborn, and mothers milk was a good thing.

    I say give 'em soymilk, almond milk, or whatever and make cheese from cowsmilk, sheepsmilk and goatsmilk.

    I'm with you on this one, bf!
  • edited November 2010
    i honestly dont think ill ever give my kids actual cows milk. study shows its really not all that good for you. Almond milk in my opinion is the best.

    How does that lady cheese taste? id try anything at least once
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2010
    buddhafoot wrote: »
    As for Freddy's comment --

    Is there anything in France that those people won't eat!?!?!!?


    If it's breaking boundaries, or wrapped in a garlic and wine sauce, anything goes....
    They eat a curious crustacean called a "Violet de Roche" looks like a cross between a lump of pumice stone and dogturd on the outside, and has a curious mollusc-creature inside...
    The flavour is strong on iodine.... Goodness only knows who discovered them, or even how.... And why he would even think it possible to eat, but there you are.
    I have tried one (in the name of curiosity and science) and I'll just say it was a once-in-a-lifetime, never-to-be-repeated experience....

    Kind of like the first Frenchman who ate an 'escargot'...."herm, hai worndeur heef zey wouuud bi bettair couked?" :crazy:
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited November 2010
    I have.
    In France.

    It's fine, what's the problem?

    Did I say there was a problem? Did I give any bias view upon the matter? lol, no I merely threww the question out there :)
  • edited November 2010
    It's more natural that consuming breast milk from cows, goats, etc. So I'd give it a try.

    That was such a random question though, hahaha.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Yea it just popped into my mind and said hello, so I thought I would put it in here to see what kind of response it would get :)
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    edited November 2010
    I just don't care for the taste of breast milk in general.

    quite foul, really.
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Brandon wrote: »
    i honestly dont think ill ever give my kids actual cows milk. study shows its really not all that good for you. Almond milk in my opinion is the best.

    How does that lady cheese taste? id try anything at least once

    My children have never been drinkers of cow's milk - in fact other than in some gelato that has a small amount of cow's milk my daughter has not ever had any. She was really surprised to hear recently about how when I was a child , in the late 1960's and early 1970's, we in Australia were expected to drink government supplied cow's milk each day at recess ( I was sick on at least two occasions after been directed that I was required by teachers to drink all my warm milk ).

    The only cheese made from human breast milk that I have seen still had rennet in it - enzymes which come from animal sources.
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Thailand Tom, can someone introduce a different food, like... _______________ ?
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited November 2010
    I agree with whoever said it was more natural to come from a human, as it had been intended originally for human infants, than from another species. How did we come to drink cows' milk anyway? Think I'm losing my taste for all cheese now... :)
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited November 2010
    cheese made from human breast milk?

    Yeah, there's not much I won't eat.
  • edited November 2010
    Sounds almost Klingon to me, Pass the Gatk too
  • edited November 2010
    Don't you mean blood wine, Doctor Donna? Kapla!

    Alright Nirvana, how about we talk about durian fruit?:lol: Would that be more palatable?
  • edited November 2010
    No...I would not...
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited November 2010
    LOL @ jason, same here. I eat pretty much anything. I have eaten raw chicken before, it is meant to be healthier you know. I have eaten a variety of insects in Bangkok also, I am just too curious you see lol...
  • edited November 2010
    oohhh salmonella is so tasty
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Would you eat Indian food from the time of,
    samahita wrote: »
    Thanx for the nice pictures kindly forwarded by our friend Rohitha Samarakoon.

    I would!
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