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Environmental and Spiritual Preservation

edited November 2010 in Buddhism Today
Great article by Master Hsing Yun on the FGS website concerning Environmental protection, preservation and Spiritual Cultivation.

This part from the article touched me the most:

"Recently, every time devotees take refuge in the Triple Gem, I would also lead everyone in saying, “I am a buddha!” This phrase is indeed an amazing saying, because if everyone willingly accepts that they are a buddha, then couples will not argue. If “I am a buddha,” then relationships between self and others would not be filled with pointing fingers and complaints. If “I am a buddha,” then I will not smoke, drink alcohol, nor even break the law and commit crimes. Not only is “I am a buddha” helpful for oneself, because of “I am a buddha,” I will treat others and the world’s myriad phenomenon with compassion, and cherish it. This is spiritual preservation, which is saving the earth."


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