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P.G. County Executive Jack Johnson and Corruption

edited November 2010 in Buddhism Today
Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson, was arrested in a corruption probe last Friday and told his wife to hide tens of thousands of dollars in her underwear as federal agents arrived at his house to search for illegal payoffs from a developer.

I have to wonder why would people be motivated to vote for a person with such shameless greed. He has been arrested, but I wonder how many people like him are still in office?


  • edited November 2010
    Sad to say, I think that there are a great deal like him is office. NY 's Charlie Wrangle was just indicted on coruption charges.

    Western culture praises those who have the most , whether it be money , power, influence etc. So I often wonder why people are so very surprised to see so many get caught reaching for the gold ring.
  • edited November 2010
    What do you think we, the citizenry, should do to respond to these kind of people?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2010
    Are they seeking a response?

    What we should do, on a practical level, is openly deplore and condemn their actions, and desire that the full weight of the law, pertinent to the circumstance, be applied.
    We should demand openness, clarity and honesty from those in whom we trust.

    as Buddhists, we should view their Pain and Fear, and manifest unconditional compassion.

    There is no other way to proceed.
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