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Releasing the fetter of ill-will and anger

edited December 2010 in Philosophy
What is a method of contemplation you use to release any feelings of ill will or anger from your mind?

Please tell me the situation, what you did, and how it worked. :)


  • edited November 2010
    I first tried being mindful of my breath... As Thich Nhat Hanh told, when you become mindful of th breath, you are not actually ignoring the anger, but observing it... But, for me, being mindful on the breath was tough in such situations.. So I have started doing Pranayama, which has proved to be very useful... If you want to know how pranayama is done, just ask, and I shall tell... In India, it is a very common practice... It has also been proved scientifically that it complements health in many ways.......

    Love And Light,
  • edited November 2010
    I Ask. :D
  • edited November 2010
    So here goes... It involves a mantra(which is there only so that you can keep track of time)... No particular importance...
    1) Close your right nostril and inhale.. *
    2) Recite the following mantra in you mind:
    Om Buhu|Om Bhuvaha|Ohum Suvaha|Om mahaha|Om Janaha| Om Tapah| Ohum Satyam||
    3) Now simultaneously release your right nostril and close your left nostril.. *
    4) Recite your following mantra in your mind:
    Om Tatsaviturvaraenyam Bhargho devasya dheemahi dhiyo Yonah Pracchodhayaadh||
    Om Aapo Jyothiirisho mrutham brahma bhuurbhuvassuvarom||**
    5)Repeat the cycle as many times as you might want...

    *You don't need to close nostrils if you are not doing from a health perspective...
    **You don't need to by-heart these lines if you don't feel like it... You can just count 6 secs of inhaing and 12 secs of exhaling - but it is always better if you know the mantra...
    ...You can try learning that mantra as 1 big verse... Then you can slit at that exact time where you gotta... That's how I do...

    Love And Light,
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Loving-kindness meditation, where we begin with loved ones, move on to friends, then acquaintances, then strangers, then people we dislike... (or some order like that) can be very useful in cultivating compassion for those we otherwise feel ill-will toward, and it's difficult to hold ill-will and compassion simultaneously.

    Also reflect that this person you dislike is only acting in accord with their ignorance and conditioning. Should we be angry at a dog for sniffing butts, or a baby for taking off their diaper and smearing crap all over? These are only sights, sounds, (smells) and the like that have arisen and occurred not as a personal affront to you, but out of the suffering of the "other". We can develop compassion for even our enemies, knowing that the cause of their suffering is the same as our own, and "they know not what they do."
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2010
    What is a method of contemplation you use to release any feelings of ill will or anger from your mind?

    Please tell me the situation, what you did, and how it worked. :)
    It's very simple.
    I consider the lesson of throwing a burning coal at somebody.
    I always burn myself and harm myself first.
    Therefore, my question, to myself, when anger, resentment, animosity and ill will arise in my mind and heart, is -
    "Why do this to yourself?"

    When I realise that there is no valid, constructive or defining reasoning to it (and there never is) - I cease.

    Simply that.
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Loving-kindness for the anger and ill-will.
  • edited November 2010
    It is not easy...but imagine this person only has 1 minute left to live and they know they will die in this 1 minute - that they only cry out because they know they will die. then understand and have compassion, as you would hope someone would have compassion for you if YOU were the person about to die. then forgive them. then forgive yourself.
  • edited November 2010
    I like federica's and Davy's suggestions...also, here is something I do:

    First, I breathe. In and out..then, if there is a person or people involved, I try to imagine reasons--not justifications necessarily, but reasons--for the person's thoughts/actions. Like, "there is a misunderstanding on their part, or mine, or both", or "they are having a bad day", etc etc. If I feel wounded, I question whether my feeling is due in any part to ego/pride. And finally I try to learn from it...what could I do or say differently in the future to avoid this situation?

    Hope this helps ^_^
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Brahma Viharas and Arupa Samådhi.
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