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Hatefull People

edited November 2010 in General Banter
I will never understand why some people feel the generalized need to make other people feel bad. How is there any benefit from this?

I understand greed and jealousy and wanting to get back at someone for them wronging you. Although it is not justified either.

But what is it that makes some people seek to deter other people, when they have not wronged them or are no threat to them?
It seems illogical to me and I have never understood it.


  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited November 2010
    A game the ego is playing?

    Hey, it's something to do and, in fact, can get you into quite an exhilarating situation.

    the thinking: "I dare you just to try messing with ME!"

    Just remind them that it's hateful to be hateful!:lol:
  • edited November 2010
    I think that is merely a byproduct of having suffered too much in the past and not being able to deal with it. Or just being really chemically imbalanced.

    I used to be much more aggressive towards people. Not in a consciously mean way, but in a instinctual mean way. I wasn't a bad kid, but I had much anger in me. Never physically violent or even prone to bullying (i was democratic in my aggressiveness lol), but I just had the subconscious idea everyone was out to get me, and no one was valuing the good things in me, and it snowballed.

    I don't know if that made any sense or if I'm even being very fair in my acessment of kid myself. I do know I was a very depressed kid. I had a lot of innate empathy towards others, but as boy it was sometimes perceived as being I toughened up. After a while it just becomes mechanical. And then you realize you don't care about being perceived as weak. And everything becomes better.
  • edited November 2010
    It is definitely an ego thing, in my opinion.

    People develop these kinds of social mechanisms in early childhood. They insulted someone as a kid, everyone laughed with them, they got high off of it, and from then on they used it as a mechanism to derive pleasure. I have a few friends who I would call "shit-talkers". They are always teasing people, calling them out when they make mistakes, using derogatory names. Usually they aren't doing it with mal-intent, and I've never taken teasing seriously. When someone gives me shit, I just give it back to them and we all end up laughing.

    Taking offense to that sort of behavior is all on your end. While you might wish the person to be different, at later stages in life its pretty much impossible to for most people to change behavior thats been coded since childhood. Your best bet is to stay light hearted.
  • edited November 2010
    It is definitely an ego thing, in my opinion.

    People develop these kinds of social mechanisms in early childhood. They insulted someone as a kid, everyone laughed with them, they got high off of it, and from then on they used it as a mechanism to derive pleasure. I have a few friends who I would call "shit-talkers". They are always teasing people, calling them out when they make mistakes, using derogatory names. Usually they aren't doing it with mal-intent, and I've never taken teasing seriously. When someone gives me shit, I just give it back to them and we all end up laughing.

    Taking offense to that sort of behavior is all on your end. While you might wish the person to be different, at later stages in life its pretty much impossible to for most people to change behavior thats been coded since childhood. Your best bet is to stay light hearted.

    I'm not really reffering to joking around and insults, but to people who try and ruin others friendships, or try and give other people the idea that they are lesser, and never get off someones back.

    I have learnt to deal with these kinds of people a while ago, but I still don't understand the point of why they do it.
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited November 2010
    They do it because they love the power of being able to control things, or maybe just to make some kind of mark. The lust for power is an extension of the ego and is an organic thing not really governable by logic. It's a game or sport with the victims seen as 3rd person objects and never as the intimate 2nd person "Thou." They may be screaming in somebody's face, but their anger or apartness so distances them that it's not truly a one-to-one meeting.

    Being hateful is an ego-centered way of being that just simply doesn't bother with the formalities of trying to be helpful or kind to others. For the person like this, there is neither reason for being like this or good reasons against. No logic needed other than: "Go away. I'll do what I d... well please..."
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