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Scary Stuff


  • edited November 2010
    Ugh. I *hate* war. I hate hate hate hate hate it.

    Is that clear enough?
  • Floating_AbuFloating_Abu Veteran
    edited November 2010

    Yeah, I saw that too Nirvana..Just goes to show how quickly things can change. 2 people have died already, very sad.

  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    edited November 2010
  • edited November 2010
    "Your Species has learned nothing..."

    Lya of the Nox - Stargate SG1

    "Sometimes The Yong do not do as they are told"

    Anteaus of the Nox - Stargate SG1
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited November 2010
    "Your Species has learned nothing..."

    Not true. We've learned lots of ways to destroy ourselves.
  • [quote=The Doctor Donna;148047]"Your Species has learned nothing..."[/quote]

    Not true. We've learned lots of ways to destroy ourselves.
    I have to disagree. I think that's overly cynical. I think there's a lot we've learned as a species. In the old days, Gods were only worshiped for their strength. About 2500 years ago, people started switching to religious archetypes that were venerated for their compassion and love, with Buddhism and Christianity anyway. People may not always put such teachings into practice and misuse and abuse the archetypes for nationalistic purposes, but the fact that they're ideals held by most of the world is an advancement in my mind. Its sort of like free speech. For the longest time it was just an ideal. It took people around the world to enforce it and make it mean something, but originally it started as an inert idea on a piece of paper. Overtime, it came out of its dormancy through individuals making it a reality and risking imprisonment, and now its a common custom in many countries of the world. Maybe one day the ideals of peace, love, and compassion will become more and more of a reality too. I think it already is to a certain extent but probably not enough for the rate at which history is accelerating at a very crucial time that could be the difference between nuclear destruction and the continuation of the species.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    well, crap.
  • [quote=The Doctor Donna;148047]"Your Species has learned nothing..."[/quote]

    Not true. We've learned lots of ways to destroy ourselves.
    I have to disagree. I think that's overly cynical. I think there's a lot we've learned as a species. In the old days, Gods were only worshiped for their strength. About 2500 years ago, people started switching to religious archetypes that were venerated for their compassion and love, with Buddhism and Christianity anyway. People may not always put such teachings into practice and misuse and abuse the archetypes for nationalistic purposes, but the fact that they're ideals held by most of the world is an advancement in my mind. Its sort of like free speech. For the longest time it was just an ideal. It took people around the world to enforce it and make it mean something, but originally it started as an inert idea on a piece of paper. Overtime, it came out of its dormancy through individuals making it a reality and risking imprisonment, and now its a common custom in many countries of the world. Maybe one day the ideals of peace, love, and compassion will become more and more of a reality too. I think it already is to a certain extent but probably not enough for the rate at which history is accelerating at a very crucial time that could be the difference between nuclear destruction and the continuation of the species.
    World War 3, nuff said.
  • edited February 2011
    The only comfort I have? Realizing there have been only a few hundred..., excuse me..., _idiots_ in power who cause trouble and war (using the word idiots = more adrenaline for me than using the word unenlightened :D ). For example: Hitler would have been a wife beater and deluded town drunk if he didn't seek and by chance gain power like he did. If the citizens of a nation could VOTE yes or no on going to war? War would end. :(
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    Well I think it's what the world needed and should have dowe at that time, at that place, in that situation, and the results will have some benefit to someone :rolleyes: :eek2:
  • The only comfort I have? Realizing there have been only a few hundred..., excuse me..., _idiots_ in power who cause trouble and war (using the word idiots = more adrenaline for me than using the word unenlightened :D ). For example: Hitler would have been a wife beater and deluded town drunk if he didn't seek and by chance gain power like he did. If the citizens of a nation could VOTE yes or no on going to war? War would end. :(
    Alas, Roger, the citizens often do vote for war: look at the US after 9/11. No one said: "Enough people have died". They said: "Crusade! Crusade!"
  • edited February 2011

    Alas, Roger, the citizens often do vote for war: look at the US after 9/11. No one said: "Enough people have died". They said: "Crusade! Crusade!"
    BTW, I'm totally with you on that: why'd more people (Iraqis) have to die? Makes me siiiiick.


    Darn it! I'm sorry. I spoke too fast. I meant an ***honest*** vote made directly by the citizenry comprised by intelligent, non-terrified (non-BS'ed) people.

  • I meant an ***honest*** vote made directly by the citizenry comprised by intelligent, non-terrified (non-BS'ed) people.
    Wouldn't it be nice if that were possible? Imagine how wonderful the world would be. Of course, that would mean the total abolishment of ego as a first step....

  • edited February 2011
    I meant an ***honest*** vote made directly by the citizenry comprised by intelligent, non-terrified (non-BS'ed) people.
    Wouldn't it be nice if that were possible? Imagine how wonderful the world would be. Of course, that would mean the total abolishment of ego as a first step....

    Yeah. It just bugs me that, throughout history these [insert graphic expletives here and please forgive me] guys gain control of entire societies and force them into war.

    Yup, if a guy like Hitler declares war on Europe and the USA we have no choice. But if the German people were able to "vote" on it, Hitler would have never been able to cause what he caused. Okay, gotta go clean my rose-colored glasses now.

  • edited February 2011
    i think if the people could vote on war the whole thing might backfire and make war more common, certainly after 9/11 the americans would have voted for war, majority rule can suck too!! id hate to imagine what might happen if we let the koreans vote on war.
  • edited February 2011
    i think if the people could vote on war the whole thing might backfire and make war more common, certainly after 9/11 the americans would have voted for war, majority rule can suck too!! id hate to imagine what might happen if we let the koreans vote on war.
    Okay okay. How about this? Only mothers with sons would be allowed to vote. :D
  • that might work, if we took men out of the equation the world might be a better place!!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Don't get me started. we'll only go off-topic....
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited February 2011
    But if the German people were able to "vote" on it, Hitler would have never been able to cause what he caused.
    IMHO if the people of Germany during Hitler's time were asked to vote for war, they probably would have. The reason for that is Hitler had them all half-brainwashed by that point. He had extreme charisma. That's a large part of the reason people followed him, even when he was talking crazy... (not to mention the state of affairs in Germany at that time).

    Praise and blame are misplaced. It's an interdependent system on every level. Just as those people were affected by Hitler, we're individually affected by the conditioning of our lives. We'd love to blame Hitler for everything, but didn't he arise out of the conditions? Didn't the people follow him? That's not to condone any of it, far from it as I'd have wanted to see him shot him myself (or otherwise taken out of the picture if possible), but we have to see it clearly.
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