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seeing wisdom in people

edited November 2010 in General Banter
I'm gonna start this thread off by sounding cocky, but I assure you that's not my intention.

I've always been very smart, and known as very smart. I've always seemed to grasp things quicker and easier than others. As a result, I, unfortunately, have a hard time believing other people can be smart/wise, at least in comparison to me.

And then I found buddhism. I believe the buddha works in the world to bring us to nirvana. And so I have searched for him. I began searching for the buddha in everything I heard/read. After doing this for a while, i've realized something. There's so much wisdom in the world, and people don't realize it. I now realize thinking you're better than someone is so incredibly silly. Everyone has their reasons for thinking the way they do. That doesn't make everyone right, but everyone has their reasons. Even if someone is wrong, you can learn from them. I am so much happier, and my interactions with people have gotten so much better, since I have been able to see the wisdom in everybody. So, my advice is this. Stop calling people stupid. Stop thinking people are stupid. Let the world be your teacher. See the wisdom behind everything you hear.


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