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ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited December 2010 in Buddhism Basics
So I relasped big time. In the last 3 days I have taken so much xanax and valiu, I have little clue of what has happened. However, my anxiety has gone so much, I go with thai strangers, I have dinner with them, a laugh and joke, I do not think of my ex anymore, so obviously there are good points and bad points. WHat do people here think I should do?


  • edited November 2010
    Maybe you should go someplace that you can get proper medical treatment and take it from there. This sounds serious.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited November 2010
    lol, hahaha. not as serious as say if I had cancer, or if I was in great peril, but it is a problem the same.
    I have TRIED and TRIED and listened to get over this ttachment for one year, I cannot So I went and got a load of meds, over the counter in tuailand it easy. I THINK in 3 days I have taken about 150 mgs of valium and 25 mgs of xanax.

    It really has helped with amny things, but my buddhist path is now destroyed. Medical help here in thailand is not the same as at home, plus I do not have travel insurance so.... Thanks anyway dude
  • WonderingSeekerWonderingSeeker Explorer
    edited November 2010
    Maybe you might consider this option?
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Buddhist path is now destroyed? From taking some drugs? I don't think so dude. We fall down, we learn to pick ourselves back up again. Staying down is the only thing that'd destroy your path, so... don't. :)
  • edited November 2010
    I've never liked Xanax... I've known a few people that were on it. I won't go into detail though...

    Just remember that your buddha-nature is always present in yourself; no matter how thick the skin of samsara is around it.
  • edited November 2010
    ... my anxiety has gone so much, I do not think of my ex anymore, so obviously there are good points and bad points. WHat do people here think I should do?

    this may not be an option in Thailand, but you need to get to the root of what's causing the anxiety, and deal with what sounds like it might be depression due to a divorce. Get a good therapist. If you can find a good one, in a year or two you won't need xanax and valium anymore. Or maybe practicing mindfulness when the anxiety etc. come up, to discover the root cause yourself, would work. Good luck.
  • thickpaperthickpaper Veteran
    edited November 2010
    So I relasped big time. In the last 3 days I have taken so much xanax and valiu, I have little clue of what has happened. However, my anxiety has gone so much, I go with thai strangers, I have dinner with them, a laugh and joke, I do not think of my ex anymore, so obviously there are good points and bad points. WHat do people here think I should do?

    I am not sure what you should do, Tom, but don't beat yourself up on the bender you have been on.

    These are you processes you are going through, and only you can go through them.

    be careful and mindfull:)

  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited November 2010
    yea thanks guys, I do see that even a none buddhist has aspects of the dharma in their life, if it is being generous, being compassionate, not worrying of the future etc, although they are not classified as a buddhist.
    I've never liked Xanax
    I prefer valium for my current situation, xanax makes you sleepy as hell, and does not last as long. The half life is also pretty weak.

    Anyway, yes I have fallen down, I have been lower than this with drugs ways back, i can come back, but for now I I am going to numb myself for some time. If I was in the UK I would seek therapy, but here it is slightly different so...

    Thanks again, people, take care
  • edited November 2010
    i dont get it cant you at least meditate a little too even if you're using all these drugs
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited November 2010
    lol, meditating whilst on high doses of xanax and valium doesn't really work. your brain is basically numb, you do not control it and it just is what it is. I don't want to think right now, I have tried to meditate, get through all of this for a long time and it has not gotten any better, so I will just numb my brain :)
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Thailand Tom,

    Have you heard of Trungpa Rinpoche? Maybe you can get some inspiration from one who also struggled with drugs.

    I think you feel attachment because of your awaken(ing) heart. You liked that love and you think that is the way to go. Link in with that longing for love and see what in your life fits in with that vision. Might be some simple things. Its not about sex. I mean love. Drugs and attachment we are trying to get that. Am I right?

    You might have limited options. But the despair is just cobwebs of thought. It isn't the real heart of awakening. Just watch the despair and wait for it to break. Its suffering Tom. You'll get the hang of it eventually and know that it comes. Like a bad penny it always turns up. But theres a point where you know that it isn't the point. That you want to get to a good place but that the suffering is just a season???

    Hope this helps.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Do you mean that suffering is like anything else in life, transient? Yes that is true, but this situation of this 'break up' has been on going for a year.
    I feel good talking with people, having dinner with them, socializing that is always nice. I can see how this replaces what I feel for this one person in specific, but it is not love obviously and is also transient.

    It was never just about sex, casual sex to me is meaningless and I care little of it, the relationship I had was built around many things. These drugs they block everything out, yet I am always losing things now and forget much of what I have done or have to do. This is the downsides..
    Meh, I don't know, time will tell :)

    Thanks a lot guys, Tom
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited November 2010
    These relationships promise a lot. But do they deliver?

    I know the feeling. I'm always like 'one more drink'. I swear sometimes I just want to hit myself over the head with a brick to knock myself out for the night!
  • edited November 2010
    Cloud wrote: »
    Buddhist path is now destroyed? From taking some drugs? I don't think so dude. We fall down, we learn to pick ourselves back up again. Staying down is the only thing that'd destroy your path, so... don't. :)

    Very true I Eastern Orthodox friend of mine likes to quote some monks in an EO monastery...when asked "what do you and and your friends do all day?", a monk replies "we fall and we get up, we fall and we get up, we fall and we get up."

    I feel for you, Tom..remember, the aim is not to be perfect, but to try.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Tom at some level things are profound and at some level just kitchen sink. At kitchen sink I'd just say 'what are this woman and these xanax gonna cost?'. If you choose them then your gonna have to pay the piper. Just keep a sense of humor.
  • finding0finding0 Veteran
    edited November 2010
    your path is not ruined . yes we fall and get back up. I have problems with marijuana. It's not bad really but it does damage my progress. Some days I will have wisdom power and think why would I ever want to put this in my body and other days I am like what the heck why not. I also attempt to practice celibacy. i havnt had or wanted sex in about 1.5 years but I am addicted to the act of self pleasure. Same thing as i said with the marijuana. Yet I teach others. There are many who look to me for guidence yet I do not have full control of my self. Many times we climb mountains and fall only to climb again but to get a little bit higher each time. I admit my doings to those I teach. These cycles slowly teach us. Do not beat your self up over it. I certainly don't. After my misdeed I simply laugh to my self and say there you go going at it again hahaha. If we feel negativty towards are actions it will only perpetuate us towards self hate instead of self love. Love your self. Don't feel guilt for your actions.
  • WonderingSeekerWonderingSeeker Explorer
    edited December 2010
    I was just wondering how you are doing now, Tom?
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited December 2010
    I just woke up at 6am not knowing what happened exactly lol. I took something like 90MG valium, drank some brandy with an old aussi guy and his wife, then some rice wine and then was meant to meet a friend but I THINK I passed out.... O.o

    I am still using these intoxicants to cover up whats inside, I am too weakly minded to confront it, maybe too lazy. The train wreck will continue, but it is not all a bad, I am having such a good social and loving/compassionate life with everyone so....

    Thanks for any concern anyway people, take care :)
  • Can you go to a rehabilitation (that's what we call it in the States) hospital in Oztralia or would you have to go back to Jolly Olde England?

    It's just too much, Tom. It's just too much. What I am most concerned about is a sudden loss of supply in the short term, and, as you say, the train wreck will continue and it appears it will for the long term. If you were my younger brother I would be working on having you locked up in hospital, and that's no kidding. As it is, I can write this from my easy chair and go back to watching TV, but at some point you are going to be hurting very severely.

    Be well.
  • look, please stop worrying lol.

    Yes we have rehabs in the UK too, but I do not wish to leave thailand anytime soon. The train wreck is not so much of a disaster, I just have as much valium as I want basically and recently have been taking 70-100Mg a day.
    I am more or less coherent, I can type okay and I am FULLY aware of the dangers of suddenly stopping a dizaepam binge and the tolerance/addiction.

    I am covering up somethings with this newly found solution, I know it is not suitable but as I keep saying, I do not care. Some day I will maybe seek a counselor and taper MYSELF away from valium.

    I am working on my portfolio to obtain a graphics job, still earning a living playing poker and living ok.

    But again, please do not worry brother :p I am okay :)

  • I think it is natural to express concern for the welfare of someone who is on a self-destructive binge of drugs & alcohol & who, by their own admission, does not care. :(
    I just have as much valium as I want basically and recently have been taking 70-100Mg a day.
    I am more or less coherent, I can type okay and I am FULLY aware of the dangers of suddenly stopping a dizaepam binge and the tolerance/addiction.

    I am covering up somethings with this newly found solution, I know it is not suitable but as I keep saying, I do not care. Some day I will maybe seek a counselor and taper MYSELF away from valium.
    Even you know that most of your post is nonsense (you have posted as much). It is clear from what you have said that you have not found a "solution" at all & are simply justifying your binge. It is very sad to read.

    Tom, I do wish you all the very best & I hope you manage to find a way out of the "train wreck" that you choose to remain in.
    Please take care of yourself & find get some help soon.

  • Tom, I'm a recovered alcoholic, however there are many similarities with alcohol and drugs; both just change the way we're feeling. I mean I used to think alcohol was my problem, till it was pointed out that alcohol was really my solution. It made me feel right with the world. My problem was the underlying internal condition that made me drink.

    Also, many drug users say that it's the alcohol that leads them to taking drugs, or if they're not taking drugs their alcohol consumption increases. If you're an addict your first reaction to what I've just said could be "No, that's not me!", because the idea of having a problem with both drugs and alcohol and having to give them both up can seem to be too much to handle.

    My way of finding a solution to stopping drinking was via Alcoholics Anonymous, and many addicts go there because they know alcohol is what leads them to taking drugs, so by treating their alcohol problem, that also treats the drug problem. There are also Narcotics Anonymous meetings, but I have no experience of them.

    These programs are 12 Step based, you will hear the word 'God', but it's such a flexible and roomy spiritual program that you can just change the word 'God' for something else that fits with your spiritual beliefs; Dharma would be a good fit for example, or the Three Jewels; or Buddha Nature.

    I find Buddhism and the 12 Step program a good fit; they're complimentary. And once you recover, your job is then to make yourself useful to other alkies/addicts and assist them to recover. And AA/NA is a great place to practise compassion, love, tolerance, etc. Helping others helps us; that's a spiritual truth.

    You will find both NA and AA in Thailand I'm sure; why not give them a try?

    Keep safe,


  • I am working on my portfolio to obtain a graphics job, still earning a living playing poker and living ok.
    Hmmmm. You remind me so much of me. My ex-wife used to say I was an alcoholic, but I denied it. I used to tell her that I was an army Warrant Officer, that I had a responsible job, that my annual appraisals were top notch, and that I just drank because I had a stressful occupation and it helped me to relax.

    For me, my alcoholic way of life was the 'normal life'; I just couldn't see a way of existing without being able to get some relief from drinking.

    Unfortunately, she was right; I was indeed an alcoholic. And alcoholism and addiction problems never get better by themselves; it's a progressive illness and incrementally - almost imperceptibly - it will drag you lower and lower. And like all illnesses, for some that happens quicker than others.

    I tried the medical profession for help; but that didn't work for me; neither did an alcohol councillor; I still drank.

    I hope you do try AA or NA. You'll also find recovery forums on the interweb, why not try one of those? I ended up in AA after 'speaking' to someone from a recovery forum.

  • Tom, I'm a recovered alcoholic, however there are many similarities with alcohol and drugs; both just change the way we're feeling. I mean I used to think alcohol was my problem, till it was pointed out that alcohol was really my solution. It made me feel right with the world. My problem was the underlying internal condition that made me drink.

    Also, many drug users say that it's the alcohol that leads them to taking drugs, or if they're not taking drugs their alcohol consumption increases. If you're an addict your first reaction to what I've just said could be "No, that's not me!", because the idea of having a problem with both drugs and alcohol and having to give them both up can seem to be too much to handle.

    My way of finding a solution to stopping drinking was via Alcoholics Anonymous, and many addicts go there because they know alcohol is what leads them to taking drugs, so by treating their alcohol problem, that also treats the drug problem. There are also Narcotics Anonymous meetings, but I have no experience of them.

    These programs are 12 Step based, you will hear the word 'God', but it's such a flexible and roomy spiritual program that you can just change the word 'God' for something else that fits with your spiritual beliefs; Dharma would be a good fit for example, or the Three Jewels; or Buddha Nature.

    I find Buddhism and the 12 Step program a good fit; they're complimentary. And once you recover, your job is then to make yourself useful to other alkies/addicts and assist them to recover. And AA/NA is a great place to practise compassion, love, tolerance, etc. Helping others helps us; that's a spiritual truth.

    You will find both NA and AA in Thailand I'm sure; why not give them a try?

    Keep safe,

    I am not someone alien to substance abuse, i have abused ecstasy for 4 years, cannabis for 7, experimented with LSD, ketamine, 2cb, cocaine, many things as well as alcohol. That was 2 years or so ago.

    My problem is not the substance, but the problem, not the same as the posters here. I think I know what problem or problem that exists, it is deep rooted back tomy childhood, then there are other things that have happened. If I followed the dharma properly I would not be in this situation.
    I have had a major moood swing today in fact lol, I feel depressed yet have have taken 90 Mg of valium.

    I may taper and just go to a monetary and stay there for a few weeks or longer in thailand or malaysia.

    Anyway, thanks for people, advice acknowledged :)

  • I think I know what problem or problem that exists, it is deep rooted back tomy childhood, then there are other things that have happened.
    I discussed with my alcohol councillor why I was an alkie; it didn't help anything, I still drank. You need help, and understanding why you think you abuse drugs isn't going to do anything for you.

    It reminds me of the Buddha's two arrow story; you need help with the first arrow - your current situation - anything else is the second arrow.

    And tapering off is pretty naff too; you just taper back on! Try and see; though I strongly suspect that this is your experience of tapering off already.

    Listen, once you've had a big enough beating from your addiction; when you're wanting to die, considering suicide, and lost everything; please remember that NA/AA is there for you.

    It's just unfortunate that for most of us poor sods, that it takes a lot of pain, agony, and torment before we're willing to go to our first meeting. But I promise you, there's a real solution there, with depth and weight.

    Keep safe.

  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    Stop being such a dumbass and doing these drugs! You fool!
  • thanks seeker, i will keep it in mind ;) nice and skillfull and blunt. I can do what the f*ck I want, and I shall continue to do so. If you do not wish to give a skillful comment or an unskillful comment, go ahead. It does mean I will take in what you say lol. I may be a fool for some aspects, but like I keep saying,

  • edited December 2010
    It seems like you are flaunting your behavior on here though, Tom.
    The Four Binding Factors for Losing Vows:

    (1) Not regarding the negative action as detrimental, seeing only advantages to it, and undertaking the action with no regrets.

    (2) Having been in the habit of committing the transgression before, having no wish or intention to refrain now or in the future from repeating it.

    (3) Delighting in the negative action and undertaking it with joy.

    (4) Having no moral self-dignity (ngo-tsha med-pa, no sense of honor) and no care for how our actions reflect on others (khrel-med, no sense of face), such as our teachers and parents, and thus having no intention of repairing the damage we are doing to ourselves.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited December 2010
    thanks seeker, i will keep it in mind ;) nice and skillfull and blunt. I can do what the f*ck I want, and I shall continue to do so. If you do not wish to give a skillful comment or an unskillful comment, go ahead. It does mean I will take in what you say lol. I may be a fool for some aspects, but like I keep saying,

    So then why do you keep asking for advice if you don't care? Seems kinda pointless. Why did you even make this post to begin with?...
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Stop being such a dumbass and doing these drugs! You fool!
    You could say drugs - for some - are a massive attachment.

    Now, can you give up ALL of your attachments?

    I can't!

    If Tom is an addict and won't seek help now, he will hopefully follow my own path, and that's reach his absolute rock bottom, and then look for help.

    But for some unfortunates, their rock bottom is 'six-foot-under'.

  • My anxiety goes sometimes. But it goes like it did before I ever had it, and I really don't like it. It's kind of a relief, but it allows me to be mean to people without even noticing, stuff like that. Like I'm one of the drones again. No anxiety, but... And, inevitably, it always comes back.

    I think it's one of those things you really need to work through, get past, face once and for all until you really can step past it into a more meaningful life. (Rather than step away from it, into the cocoon...) I very recently got this book from the library called Feeding Your Demons. It's gives a practice where you manifest your demons right in front of you, (like the demon of anxiety,) and then offer your body to it as food. I haven't been trying it very long so I can't much attest to it working, but I really think it's a great idea. Maybe you want to try it? The practice is called Chod. With two little dots over the o.

    I just watched Groundhog Day yesterday, you know, the movie with Bill Murray. At one point he says something like, "I once had this great day on the beach, sipping pina colatas and had sex with this beautiful woman at night. THAT was a pretty good day. Why can't I live THAT day over and over again?" Well, it's not going to teach you anything. Got to stick it out and fight through until we learn our lessons. I hope you know you're only postponing your lesson, right now. Which is fine--it's your choice. It's just pretty pointless in the end, and a waste of time. But trust me, I know how hard it is... Best of luck to you and take care.

  • *
    seeker242seeker242 December 21 QuoteFlag

    ThailandTom said:

    thanks seeker, i will keep it in mind ;) nice and skillfull and blunt. I can do what the f*ck I want, and I shall continue to do so. If you do not wish to give a skillful comment or an unskillful comment, go ahead. It does mean I will take in what you say lol. I may be a fool for some aspects, but like I keep saying,


    So then why do you keep asking for advice if you don't care? Seems kinda pointless. Why did you even make this post to begin with?.
    Stop being such a dumbass and doing these drugs! You fool!
    You could say drugs - for some - are a massive attachment.

    Now, can you give up ALL of your attachments?

    I can't!

    If Tom is an addict and won't seek help now, he will hopefully follow my own path, and that's reach his absolute rock bottom, and then look for help.

    But for some unfortunates, their rock bottom is 'six-foot-under'.

    Maybe I do care, but when I am on valium I just don; think, so I don't care all that much. The ball is rolling now, just like when the buddha started the dharma wheel rolling he knew it would continue to roll for many years to come.

    There are so many combining factors to why I am doing all of this, so many, but they stay with me and I will block them out. Like I have said, I have tried meditation for many months, I have seen a use of it but it doesn't help here, loving kindness, compassion and generosity is something I give daily anyway, I try be mindful of kamma and yes well.

    tootles all :)

  • I'm sure you're NOT doing anything illegal. However, I hate to say this but the thought of getting arrested with illegal drugs in Thailand could be useful in helping some people get a grip. If you know what I mean. Take care of yourself!

  • edited December 2010
    For those who do not understand benzos, they make you feel on top of the world when you are on them. Then when you stop taking them there is no hell I can imagine worse than that feeling. They change your brain so much I doubt meditation can do much. The drugs are in total control of your mood. Basically they bring you up so high the only place left to go later is a deep dark depression and crazy anxiety. This makes getting off of them a total nightmare.

    I hope you find your bottom sooner rather than later Tom. When the time comes I hope you will be smart and taper off. Make sure you don't stop cold turkey as you will have seizures and die. I've been through a lot of bad stuff in life but, never anything as bad as stopping benzos cold turkey.

    My heart goes out to you and just know that I was able to get off them and fully recover and get level. I wont lie though it took me about 3 years before I stopped having massive panic attacks and to start getting my head together. You have a long road ahead of you, I only used them for 4 months before I quit. Everyone is different and I hope you are able to find an easier time than I did.

    If the authorities lock you up or you can no longer purchase them you will have seizures and you'll think all the bad experiences in your life before were comparable to Disney land. Make sure you don't run out before you can taper off!!!
  • i am tapering, today only 80MG, this is the trick so I am aware, to taper. then when I can be on maybe 10-20 MG a day or nothing I shall seek a counselor or simple go and be a monk for a few weeks as I am aware of the dharma to an extent. It is just right now I am on another self destruction, it has been 2-3 years since, there are reasons for it and I shall find them.

    I know of benzos, I have abused before but not to this extent. We shall see what happens eh :) Thanks for the in put :) Tom

  • There are so many combining factors to why I am doing all of this, so many, but they stay with me and I will block them out. Like I have said, I have tried meditation for many months, I have seen a use of it but it doesn't help here, loving kindness, compassion and generosity is something I give daily anyway, I try be mindful of kamma and yes well.

    tootles all :)

    Tom, it doesn't matter what factors are involved in why you're doing this. If you're shot with an arrow, it's no good wanting to know who fired it at you, where he came from, what's his family name; you need immediate medical attention.

    Go to NA, friend; they've got the experience, and know the correct medicine to give you.

    Keep safe.

  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    >I have tried meditation for many months

    That is a very short time period
  • Tom. Why don't you just go and become a monk in one of the very many monasteries in Thailand?
    I'm pretty sure you would not regret it. :-)
  • I would go an become a monk, I consider lay life not fully buddhist personally, but it is a huge jump for someone like us or me. Also if I shall have to stop all benzos at once which is dangerous and difficult.

    I understand it does not matter where the arrow has come from, but it id there. Sincerely, when this is over, I am turning to the monk way of life, I have considered it for more than a year.

    And seeker24, many months = nearly 2 years, maybe still not enough???
  • MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLE, it i already the 25th here, 10.50am :) Hope you guys had a jolly eve, maybe some of you got a little tipsy, but I hope everybody had a pleasant social time.

  • Soundz lyke ya do need sum discipline in ya life homeboy... all da best.
  • hahaha, I do I do. xmas eve I took 160 MG 3 bottles of wine a bottle of beer and I was cozy lets say. MERRY CHRISTMAS
  • hahaha, I do I do. xmas eve I took 160 MG 3 bottles of wine a bottle of beer and I was cozy lets say. MERRY CHRISTMAS
    dammmm dawg... dat stuff is serious, but yea, I reckon have ya fun deez xmas and start anew next year!

    No moe indulgence! Especially on dat mind bendin sheet know wat im sayin?!!!

  • I believe it does matter where the arrow came from. You need to know, so you can avoid future arrows. Information empowers us to better protect ourselves.
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    edited December 2010
    I believe it does matter where the arrow came from. You need to know, so you can avoid future arrows. Information empowers us to better protect ourselves.
    I don't know about that, but I know my experience as an alcoholic. I did get an alcohol councillor that my doctor referred me to. We spent a long time discussing why I drank. It didn't help and I still drank.

    In AA they don't bother with the 'Why am I an alcoholic?' problem; they just deal with the solution to alcoholism. I mean does it matter why I'm an alcoholic if I have a solution to my problem? Maybe the knowledge of why I'm an alkie would just confuse me and serve no real use? Maybe it would create further problems for me?

    I also suspect you're talking about 'triggers', where I am talking about 'I'm an alkie because my Mother potty trained me the wrong way' or something. Well, when you're an addict/alkie, just being conscious is a 'trigger'. It's a tough one to avoid that one. I know a guy who've solved this problem by going down the suicide route.

    As for someone suggesting to get back on the wagon after Christmas, well, I've heard that so many times it makes me smile. 'After Christmas' usually means around the following August, but then next Christmas is only four months away, so what the heck...

  • AA, I need to go back to the UK for that and I do not wish to do so, I will taper, it will be ok. Yesterday I took 80MG of valium, and drank, but 2 days for I took 210MG and drank.

    Thanks for the advice though and I am glad to hear you are through your alcoholism, if if I misread and you haven't then I help you really do, I guess I am an alcoholic as well as addicted to valium as I do both every day.

    Tkae care sangha, tham jai sa bai (relax)
  • ToshTosh Veteran
    edited December 2010
    AA, I need to go back to the UK for that and I do not wish to do so, I will taper, it will be ok. Yesterday I took 80MG of valium, and drank, but 2 days for I took 210MG and drank.
    Hi Tom,

    I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but I'd just like to share my experience of tapering off. And I have tapered off many times, and I just ended up tapering back on and giving up, going back to my old routines, and then when it got bad enough, trying to taper off again, with exactly the same results.

    However, I found that when I started going to AA and tapering off at the same time, I managed to stop and stay stopped (staying stopped is the tricky thing). You can get a lot of strength, support, tips, help, and encouragement from an AA group. These are people who've been in exactly EXACTLY the same position as yourself; they know the score better than anyone whose just studied the issues concerned; because they have experience.

    And Tom, AA is a Worldwide organisation with millions of members everywhere.

    Here is a link to Thailand AA; I hope there's a meeting near you, and I hope you try one. AA saved my life.
    (All AA meetings in Thailand are in English except where noted.)

    And AA is perfectly compatible with Buddhism; it's program is wide and roomy enough to accept any spiritual beliefs.

    Here's a 12 Step Buddhist Book (AA has a 12 Step program):

    And well done for trying to taper off the valium. However, I've heard that many people find that when they try to cut out the drugs, the alcohol intake increases to compensate, and alcohol can be worse than many illegal drugs. I know a recovered heroin addict, she'd taken heroin for many years, decided to stop (which is a horrendous withdrawal process), but her alcoholism kicked in and within three months she told me she was 'on her knees', where-as she'd been able to function with the heroin.

    Keep safe!

  • hank you very much, my plan firstly though is to taper and then to go and live at a buddhist temple I know for a few days or weeks. If this does not work then I shall go to the AA, thank you very much though :)
  • That's great, Tom. And remember, if you do ever go to AA, once you recover; AA is a great place to practise compassion. Once a member, your primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics recover.

    I look upon my alcoholism, despite the destruction of my past, as a gift.
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