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Would you support this idea?

edited December 2010 in General Banter
So I just had a flash of insight into something I want to do with a hobby of mine.

Has anyone ever seen a 3D lenticular poster before? They are the pictures that look like they have multiple 3D layers, or when you look at the poster from different angles, the scene changes/moves like its animated. Pretty much a hologram on a poster.

Well I during my free time sometimes I like to make fractal images on my laptop. I spend anywhere from an hour to 3 hours to make them. A couple of my better ones are attached here. (Best viewed at high resolutions)

So what if I printed some of these out as lenticular posters, sold them, and donated all of the money toward a worthy cause? I was thinking about a homeless shelter or some sort of benefits for the homeless program, because I see them a lot in Denver and Boulder and it really gets to me.

Would you pay $10-$20 for one of these posters, knowing I would donate 100% to a cause like this (well maybe %95 to pay for printing costs? Just asking as an open ended if you saw someone selling them at a concert or on the street or whatever. Would you buy one?



  • edited December 2010
    I'd probably say something like "Hey, Hippie scum! Did they really have to be fractals?! Can't your fried brain come up with anything else??"

    But sure, I might buy one, if I liked the colors :)
  • edited December 2010
    Colors are what I spend the most time on by far!!

    And hey what do you have against fractals. And hippies for that matter! :D
  • edited December 2010
    Colors are what I spend the most time on by far!!

    And hey what do you have against fractals. And hippies for that matter! :D

    A wise man is neither yuppie nor hippie. Ever heard of non-dualism? :P

    And fractals can be cool. As long as there wasn't hippie labor involved. I like oranges and yellows and reds.
  • edited December 2010
    Haha..well, some people would call me a hippie but I've been to a lot of music festivals (yes I see the irony in this statement :) )...I am NOT a hippie.

    What do you think of the colors in the ones I posted?

    This is another one with cool colors
  • edited December 2010
    Woah damn..apparently its just going to show the image.

    That works..
  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited December 2010
    I like it. Count me in. You'd have to remind me when it's done though, I'd probably overlook it otherwise.
  • VincenziVincenzi Veteran
    edited December 2010
    what I can say is that... visual information is part of "maia".

    ...and that mind is one of the senses that humans have (that catpath shouldn't be there).

    I will be uploading the .flame files someday...

    your images are hypnotic/conducive_to_meditation.
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    edited December 2010
    I believe I would support pretty much anything related to the homeless cause. ॐ
  • I believe I would support pretty much anything related to the homeless cause. ॐ
    i prefer a mobile life
    ॐ gli alberi sono le mie case / trees are my home ॐ
  • edited January 2011
    IMO, You'd need some legal proof you are doing what you say with the money. I think you'd need a lawyer to set up a non-profit thing for that and also so you don't have tax problems.

    Perhaps it is easier and better for you to hitch up with an existing proven non-profit charity with their auctions or similar established fund raising venues. There is no shortage of legitimate fund raisers these days. Good luck. Great idea. :thumbsup:
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