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Buddhism's goals, relationship with science and technology

edited December 2010 in Buddhism Today
Is knowledge or truth a goal in itself for Buddhism, or only if it leads to the ending of suffering for sentient beings? How does Buddhism distinguish between Buddhist truth, scientific truths, and philosophical truths?


  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Wisdom and Compassion are both the teachings and the goals of Buddhism. The fully enlightened being acts with both for the alleviation of suffering of all life, seeing no separation between any; all are one.

    Buddhist truth is based on the Buddha's wisdom, but only becomes wisdom through one's own practice. It's a path to one's own enlightenment rather than simply saying "this is how it is". What Buddhism is concerned with are truths applicable to all phenomena, not "knowledge" such as science gathers.
  • edited December 2010
    The Buddhist worldview connects all of these concepts at the ultimite level. In the end, what the Buddhist teachings will show us is the true nature of reality where science, religon etc all merge into a seemless whole.

    In Samsara we are forced to deal with Realitive truths where our understanding is broken down into seperate units, or ideas because we are not able to process information in any other way. As our delusions and ingrained habits are slowly removed, as we start to punch thru our duelistic conceptuality of the multiverse we become aware of the ultimite Truth and how all things are connected.
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