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A breath of fresh air...skins

edited December 2010 in Arts & Writings
In 2007, i sat down to watch the first series of ''Skins dvd'' not really knowing what to think before it started but as it did i found myself getting more involved in the characters lives and was able to place myself into there situations. Absaloutly superb acting by all of the cast, young and older, Fantastic script, Outstanding communication with the young public and faces the real life problems young people face these days. About a Boy's Nicholas Hoult is amazing, i was blown away with his performance as Tony, a moody teenager that has two sides to him, spiteful and sweet, Mike Bailey also gives a great performance as his shy character Sid Jenkins who is slowly evolving into more of a confident character because of Cassie (his girlfriend) played by Hannah Murray who in my eyes gives one of the strongest female performance's in Channel 4 history, she gives her character an unusual, almost spooky gift about her. Kind of' creeps you out a little but you can tell she is sweet in heart. One of the strongest male performances in the show is played by Dev Patel , who in the show is Anwar, the desperate for a girlfriend Asian teenager who is best friends with the gay character Maxxie, played by Mitch Hewer, who in my opinion gives one of the best male performances in TV history, outstanding! I was blown away by his performance in the stalker storyline with Sketch, who also gives a brilliant performance.

All together Skins dvd set is a amazing show and i advise people of all ages to watch! Other main characters include Michelle, Jal, Chris.
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