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Random Funny Thoughts

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited December 2010 in General Banter
I don't like the connotations of the planet uranus. Not being crude but thats the whole point. Its a beautiful planet. I propose sunaru :confused:


  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Or we could teach people to pronounce it properly.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited December 2010
    History channel programs (i.e. The Universe) always call it Yer-uh-Niss.
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    The thought wasn't so funny to the producers of ET. They used it to help get the PG rating rather than a G (which would have killed it at the box office).
  • Because of it's suggestibility, if we were to do that for Uranus we'd have to do it for Venus, too. Good thing the two aren't neighbors oral-bitally speaking :D
  • ur-AN-us or UR-in-us, either way it's suggestive of bodily parts or their functions, lol. The word has no hope. :)
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    It all depends on what one's definition of hope is, I'd say.
  • Hope, as in having no hope for it being pronounced in a way that cannot be construed to mean something humorous to juveniles... or to adult "juveniles" like myself, lol.
  • Well, we already got rid of a planet... Why not rename one?
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    If it's not broke why fix it?

    Why not rename it? They didn't "planet" that way.
  • Perhaps it's the other way around? Perhaps the body parts are suggestive of the planet? Maybe we should rename the anus? Just a random thought. We could just call it the... um.. a**hole? :)
  • From Futurama: "We changed the name of Uranus to end that stupid joke once and for all. It's now named Urectum"

  • Gonna be hard to rename. I just checked the word "anus" in my thesaurus: no results. :buck:
  • lol. this is quite an interesting topic.


    Gender: Masculine

    Usage: Greek Mythology (Latinized)

    Other Scripts: Ουρανος (Ancient Greek)

    Pronounced: yuw-RAY-nəs (English), YUWR-ən-əs (English) [key]
    From Greek Ουρανος (Ouranos), the name of the husband of Gaia and the father of the Titans in Greek mythology. His name is derived from ουρανος (ouranos) meaning "the heavens". This is also the name of the seventh planet in the solar system.

    on the matter of random thoughts or in this case actions, I got 2 of nails painted beautifully yesterday :p I shall upload a picture maybe....

    nope, could not attach the file :(
  • ...I suppose Ouranos would be a bit better?
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