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transcience, thoughts on new layout people...

ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
edited December 2010 in General Banter
What is every bodies opinion on the new layout of the site... At first it confused me somewhat, but now I see it can be easier to use and better maybe.
From a graphic design point of view, it is not too bad but I would make alterations


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Of course you would.
    Just give it time, we're all on a learning curve.... :rolleyes:
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    @ThailandTom the theme has been ported over from the old one in order to make the adjustment as gentle as possible; eventually @lincoln will clean up the theme and a complete re-do is not out of the question at some point in the future.

    Baby steps :D
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Well, it's been a couple of hours and there are lots of things I do find I'm liking. I really like the way we can now click on the Lotuses under My Bookmarks under Discussions to undo book marks (subscriptions) to threads that we are not interested in following. Thanks, @Lincoln, for that.

  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    It's really confusing, and I don't really like the whole Twitter-esque format, but I will get used to it.
  • Of course you would.
    Just give it time, we're all on a learning curve.... :rolleyes:
    yes of course, :) with time. I was merely curious of peoples opinion. I really like the 'quote buttons' and stuff. the layout seems to be more useful for sure.

    It's really confusing, and I don't really like the whole Twitter-esque format, but I will get used to it.
    It's just like getting a new phone, you have no clue how to use it or what does what and maybe even dislike it, but soon enough you realize its uses. Come on fellow buddhists, transience is inevitable :p

    I would like to get my hands on the aesthetics of the site from a graphics view as it is my passion/career, I may even do some things for fun :)
  • ZenBadgerZenBadger Derbyshire, UK Veteran
    Well, it looks fine to me but then again, it's the quality of the conversation that means more to me than where things are on the page. It looks a bit different but nothing I can't get used to.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    @ZenBadger Indeed, a great deal of the change's purpose was to refocus on the discussions rather than all the "stuff" around them. :)
  • I think it has been a positive change, things are easier to access and to realize, use. All round good change, thumbs up newbuddhist :p
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