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Tibetan Language

edited December 2010 in Buddhism Today
Hi, My good friend and guide whom can very much open a lot of doors for me has suggested that if I can get the money to travel to Nepal that he would speak with his guru (head of the monastery) and get me entrance to formally take refuge, be accepted, begin ngondro, and take retreat for as long as I liked (in 3 month increments due to Visas or something to that effect).

That being said, I think I would absolutely take him up on this offer if I can get the money to do so.

But, my question is... Does anyone have any idea where I should start to begin learning the Tibetan language? I.E. websites, study guides, good books etc etc... Even if I can't leave for Nepal for some time, I'm still interested in learning Tibetan. Any suggestions are very much appreciated :)



  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    The best I could do for you would be to do a simple Google search and click on a few promising sites, but you could do that just as easily as me, and I'm sure you have already, or will do so soon.

    I'm actually quite surprised that Rosetta Stone doesn't offer Tibetan or I'd recommend that, though it would cost quite a bit if it did.
  • Yeah, haven't really found anything worth while... A few good pages on reading Tibetan texts... While I'm interested in that; I'm also looking to learn some working basic Tibetan.
  • edited December 2010
    Snow Lion offers a 2-year course in Tibetan, with a text and discs, called "Fluent Tibetan" for $150.
    see: (Equivalent to 2 years of university-level study, as I understand it.)
  • Hmm... that's a possibility. Thanks buddy :)
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