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Thank You for All The Hard Work, Lincoln

edited December 2010 in General Banter
I am not sure if there is another thank you thread, but I wanted to make sure that Lincoln is singled out for gratitude aside from questions about the new UI. Yes there are small things that need to be corrected here and there, but that's to be expected. As someone who has been responsible for public facing websites and fora before, I know how much effort has gone into making the move as almost seamless as it was, with user database and old forum posts preserved.

Thank you very much for the time and care you put into the change of platform, Lincoln. It looks like a really good platform to extend and build upon. I am psyched!


  • Indeed. I know what a PITA this kind of thing can be. Good work!
  • I second the gratitude, even if there is another thread, Lincoln deserves all the thanks he can get. I was only on the old site a few days, but I think the new site is wonderful. Many thanks Lincoln. Namaste Brother
  • Yes, well done transferring the whole forum with so few hiccups, nice job.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    If you guys had any idea how much planning went into this...

    And he shouldered it all on his own. His commitment to this platform was such that he became so involved in Vanilla that he is now a contributor to the core project. We're talking endless months (years?) of work here.

    He deserves every bit of thanks and praise. Not only for the technical stuff, but also for being one of the drivers behind the continued existence of this community. Honestly, if not for him, Fede, and Jason, this place probably wouldn't exist right now. It would have floundered and died years ago.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Lincoln deserves much credit, and not only for his technical ability and profound know-how.
    He has had to put up with endless bother, certainly from me, without any shadow of a doubt the greatest technical fudgewit on the forum.
    His kindness, patience and good humour throughout my every dicky-fit, cock-up, complaint, moan, wail and protest have been extraordinary - and trust me, in such matters, I am quite capable of trying the patience of a saint.....
    So yessiree, a very public, merited and thoroughly well-deserved thank you is definitely in order.
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Way to go, everybody! Give Lincoln a hearty round of applause.

    There are now so many more easy ways to get down to earlier areas of interest, etc. We have now a very clean platform and I hope we can conform to it and learn from it. I hope we'll stop overdoing the <<quote>> thing and just communicate more. To me, it makes no sense to quote the post immediately preceding yours. Therefore, if the quote function will be less distinctive than the body of the post, it might very well be a good thing. We'll just have to address each other more skillfully and perhaps with less diatribe.

    I ditto Fede above: Lincoln, you very much deserve all of our thanks.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    Thanks all, much appreciated :o
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    If you guys had any idea how much planning went into this...

    And he shouldered it all on his own. His commitment to this platform was such that he became so involved in Vanilla that he is now a contributor to the core project. We're talking endless months (years?) of work here.

    He deserves every bit of thanks and praise. Not only for the technical stuff, but also for being one of the drivers behind the continued existence of this community. Honestly, if not for him, Fede, and Jason, this place probably wouldn't exist right now. It would have floundered and died years ago.
  • Hmmm Yes thanks. I can't say it has grown on me yet but I'm sure its well thought out. Kudos!
  • I wanted to keep my views until after a week of using it, but i realized Vanilla is so so so much easier to use vBulletin!

    Thanks Lincoln!
  • This new platform looks great, feels great. Thanks Lincoln :)
  • LesCLesC Bermuda Veteran
    Ditto... all the above! Well done!

  • Yes indeedy!

    A huge thanks to Lincoln and everyone else developing and maintaining this forum.

    Jason, what does QFT mean?

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Jason, what does QFT mean?
    Quoted For Truth.
  • That's the polite version, anyway.
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