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More videos of us typical US Christians in our natural environs. Most people in Europe and Australia have never seen how we really are. MTV is just a facade that we put on the airwaves to trick the rest of the world.
Growing up I thought that this was the way of all Christians so it is easy to understand why one would have such a bitter taste about this religion. In the area where Dawn and I live most Christians act in this way. I work very hard to maintain deep understanding towards such views. Funny as it seems, for allot of Christians in the Deep South this is real! We have even been told things like, we will burn in the same hell that Buddha burns in now, and that we are non-American because we don’t eat meat! I have learned not to hold people's judgments and perceived ignorance against them. Many Christians in this area really feel they have our best interest in mind and are really concerned. As of late I have noticed that more and more people are willing to listen to ideas outside of their own thoughts. Most of the time this brings about great debate and a side like what we all saw on fox, so if asked I present ideas and views with no religious affiliation. This approach helps to bridge the gap of understanding between rigid and fixed thought to a more flexible and open mind. We now know some people who look at things from a more Buddhist-Christian perspective! I do wonder if the woman in this show knows that the pagan thoughts and ideas she is so dead set against is imbedded so deeply through out her religion?
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
edited November 2005
I bags you tell her.... I'm staying here behind the couch....!
If ever in the past I have had cause to question my own sanity....
I feel good now! I feel Juuuuuuuust fine!:wow: :crazy:
Ya'll darksided ones git outa my home !!
I know.
Usually their production values are so high.
(be polite, it's Sunday.....!
Near the end of the second clip, did she say something about "Buddha flags?" XD
And doesn't the term "dark-sided" have Star Wars origins?
If you're are going to quote her, please do it right...
It's not Gargoyles - it's GarGyles
It's not Dark Side - it's Dork Sahded
In Jesus name, I prayuh.
She's uh Christianuh!