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I guess someone really wanted some Dharma in their lives

B5CB5C Veteran
edited December 2010 in General Banter
someone broke into my locker in work and stole my copy of Dalai Lama's How to Practice. Well I least I have back up books.

The good thing though. They left my bookmark.


  • Probably looking for something else, but luckily came across your book. Could change someone's life for the better. :)
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    yeah, I just started Chapter 1 this evening at work. :/
  • If they get down to actually reading it might discourage them from stealing again.

  • That's hilarious! I'm sorry your book was stolen, though!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    If they get down to actually reading it might discourage them from stealing again.

    They might even put it back....!

  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    someone broke into my locker in work and stole my copy of Dalai Lama's How to Practice. Well I least I have back up books.

    The good thing though. They left my bookmark.
    The good thing is that you just gave someone a free donation of the Dalai Lamas book. To someone who really needs it too. This is good karma for you. You should be happy about this.

  • :) When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
  • You guys just made my day =D
  • You guys just made my day =D
    That's not good enought, it should make your life :D
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