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Question: Is this a test?
How does one know if something is a test or a karmic gift? Eg. I found something that did not belong to me but would greatly improve my living situation if I were to take advantage of it. I left it alone figuring that it was the right thing to do to just forget about it. Now it is almost 6 months later and I came across this item again. It seems to have been all but forgotten about to anyone who I would think that it would matter to and it was going to be destroyed anyway. I am just sort of confused. I am trying to figure out the karmic reasoning behind this. Was it like a test/reward situation? Should I feel bad that I want to take/use this opportunity to improve my family's living situation? I just don't know what to do. I keep thinking that maybe this is one of those balance things that is part of the upswing of the life wave pattern. Any advice/suggestions?
Only you can truly answer the question of intent and effort, though. Nobody else has all the information you have.