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long new discussion : an ASS zen master- about thefound..

edited December 2010 in Buddhism Basics
For a while I've been hearing people, say ..."As a buddhist you should act like this, not like an ass, TheFound."

or they say "You should be less aggressive"," More considerate ...Just strong and content"
"Don't tell anyone to convert to buddhism.." ,,,,etc,,,,

I want to tell you a story of my best friend..again
(I posted the similar story 1 year ago, doubt it got much readings)

When I first met him, I hated him..
I was playing soccer in high school, we were comptetive,
(He really pissed me off )

It was his old school team ..vs my old school team ,
we both just started high school together, not even meeting eachother yet but in the same grade..

Anyway ..
This prick ass-face was all in our faces about the game and how we sucked and stuff, after we complained about a bunch of gross penalties and bad sportsmanlike conduct..

So I challenged him .. I said ..umm ...rude:
(invitation to perform oral sex on me..)

<<lol...anyway thats what'd u say back then.. ((10 years ago in high school..))>>

And so he said "Come here then!"

He called my bluff.. and I realized my reasoning had been a bit sketchy, egotistic and.. basically..wrong..

He looked ready to whip my ass..this was a real ruffian!
(I was kind of...well...I took less punches in my life than he had..he was a tougher fighter with experience)

So a bit after I diffused the situation....skillfully..
I demanded for him to explain his reasoning about the whole thing and he told me (he had a lot of aggressive swearing involved but lemme sum it up):

" There are teams or people who play dirty, there are teams or people that want to win, you yourself might play dirty for your own ego.., or you yourself might want to win.. BUT since I'm part of this new school ..this should happen my way
and WE play to win ...and WE win properly. That's how I do things and I'm not afraid to enforce it"

this guy has since been the biggest asshole ever, but he's always an asshole with compassion..everyone always is tricked into thinking he's an ass..because he's so damn sharp and cocky all the time.. to tell you the truth there's no one in war

I'd rather have to watch my back.

and this is a war.. we gotta all win..

in a Boddhistva way, if we don't all win .....none of us win..

so I'd like to teach ZEN someday like this guy ..
Aggressively like a drill sargeant..


  • Hopefully not like the one from Full Metal Jacket......
  • That drill sergeant is ok as long as you polish his knob. Just kidding..

    The found what you said reminded me of when I played soccer and I was playing rough just rough enough to get inside peoples heads but not enough to get a card. The guy cold cock punched me. I just was like ok now what. I wasn't hurt that bad. But I didn't want it to get worse. So I played him legally and guarded him like a hawk. I didn't want him to score any goals. And I was coordinated player. Our team sucked so I had to find meaning in each moment. And in the struggle to not let the score get me down. I felt like nobody could smoke me one on one, but so many goals scored by passing to the open man. Or someone shake and bake my buddy fullbacks and midfielders. Theres so many cheesy cliche things to say about soccer but I really connected to it and it made me more alive. One of the first things that helped me was when my friend Zack taught me to go for the balls more forcefully. Called 50 50 balls that anyone can get. No fouling just leap and contact with shoulders. Position and a leap. Either toward the other teams end or back to an open teamate. Too good to be true that its a pass to score a goal. Sometimes a teamate is open towards your own end it depends if the other team is making runs to your own goal. Then its dangerous. Rambling.. Good memories.
  • any win when alone meditating :wow:
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Hopefully not like the one from Full Metal Jacket......

    "Are you quitting on me? Well, are you? Then quit, you slimy f---ing walrus-looking piece of s---! Get the f--- off of my obstacle! Get the f--- down off of my obstacle! NOW! MOVE IT! Or I'm going to rip your balls off, so you cannot contaminate the rest of the world!"

  • Do you think your funny? I'll rip that smile off your face. Now straighten up. I didn't ask you to speak to me. Now answer me. Do you think your funny?
    Down and give me 20!
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Sir, yes sir!
  • You weren't saying you think your funny were you? Ok now your the drill sergeant I'll be the grunt.
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