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Snow bank, then water..Meditation

edited December 2010 in General Banter
I was just observing a snowbank outside my window..

It kind of struck a chord.. it's water but its just sitting there ... not flowing has's cold....
and also it's been defined..

Anyway so I thought I'd bust the metaphor, that:

When we don't meditate we are like the snowbank... we sit there and we are frozen in place, defined and shaped.
Just collecting snow..

We should strive to be more like water, (through meditation..melt that snow!)
To flow easily around any obstacle,
have no definite shape or form,
be free flowing and nourishing ...
to be not too "cold" and not too "hot" ...(water is a good example because, too cold it's ice, too hot it's steam)

so maybe the next time you meditate, remember this, don't be too rigid, or too relaxed,
be a balance you can drink in and be nourished by...physically and mentally..


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