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Anger Issues?

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited December 2010 in General Banter
So, I was reading "Buddhist Plain and Simple," a book, and I came to the part of the book where it asks you to look at this black and white image until you actually see what the picture is. So I stared at it, stared at it, stared and it, and genuinely got pissed off! How was I suppose to see this thing? I help it sideways, upside down, close up, far away, looked at every bit of it and couldn't see the godforsaken picture! I was actually getting angry with the picture. So I looked up the answer to see what this picture was... and it was a bull...? What?! It looked nothing like a bull to me! It looked more like a Tiki head and a man eating tree to me than a bull! And ya know what, I'm still mad about this. :angry:

I think I have issues.

Note: The image was MUCH MUCH darker on my Kindle than it is on my laptop.


  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Who cares what the Image is the fact that one could stare at it untill one imputes anger upon it is probley the point itself ;)
  • Examine the process your mind was going through trying to decipher the image... At what point did you begin to feel angry? What led you to become frustrated? Dissect the process entirely.

    That'd be the point; I think, of the picture.

    Took me a minute or so to see the bull... Don't know if I'd have been able to see it without knowing what I was looking for though. It's an interesting picture :)
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    The book was talking about how we don't see reality right now so we're confused, like first looking at this image, until we truly see what it is. Well, now that I see what it is, I'm PO'ed.
  • aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
    edited December 2010
    i can't see the bull either. but i'm not mad, i don't quite get why you are. are you frustrated that you weren't able to see it? if that's the case then just.. ya know.. stop needing to see the bull :| you're trying to grab something outside of your reach, you can still try to see the bull but just don't attach to the need to see it. I get mad a lot but i just try to think, why am i upset about not being able to do something? there's no utility in getting upset.
  • edited December 2010
    You see it. It's a high contrast roughly 1/2 view of a bovine looking at you over it's left shoulder. Nose eyes head and ears are filling in the left half of the frame

    Getting "mad" is fine. It's a mad cow thing. What makes me mad? I don't have infinite intelligence and I can be fooled by illusions preying on quirks in my brain's processing "software." :banghead:

    Then again: no big deal. Just kidding. :)
  • yea, i just don't see it, but i don't get frustrated because i'm managing not to care whether i see it or not
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I mean I see it, but there is no way in which I could just pick that out of no where without being told what it is or where it is. It just doesn't really look too much like it.
  • I can compare it something that happened to me a few nights ago. Was sitting on my patio and saw a brown thing fly across the patio. I thought "Mouse!" looked at it for a moment and thought "nope, leaf... dumbass"
  • It's like when a non multiple choice question you can't answer is re-framed into a multiple choice question. You get the MC question right and yet you can't answer the same non-MC question. It's a question of access to what you know. :)
  • You are all very funny, this is not a bull, this is a cow! :) If someone claims to see a bull, everybody believes that there is a bull. How long would you have looked at the picture trying to see a house, if I had told you, that actually you should see a building there? That we have different experiences of reality is nothing new. Saying "flower" you would receive a whole bouquet with different flowers in the end, collecting the different flower-pictures in the minds of 20 people.
    A hint for the frustrated ones: the white in the picture can be seen as the body and the black spots as ears and nose of a cow looking towards you.
  • Yeah the roundish white spot is the very top of the cow's head as it's looking slightly down and toward the "camera", the two black spots connected to the left and right of that its ears. Follow straight down to see the black tip of its nose. The body of the cow going off to the right. I used to mess with people so bad with this image. :D
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