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winter is sad

aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
edited December 2010 in General Banter
i just realized that almost every single person on these forums joined during the winter at some time or another. funny how depressing the end of summer can be and the shortening of the days all that stuff.


  • Back in my pagan days I remember reading that during the onset of autumn people begin to become more introverted...
  • There was, indeed, a major influx of new members in the Winter, but it's far from "almost every single person" on the site. It may seem that way because quite a few regulars from years back haven't been posting, due to the holiday season. They're slowly starting to trickle back in. And there were a number of people who joined in the summer and fall, as well.
  • My excuse? Probably because I have my computer screen set to it's fullest brightness with a golden-yellow sunny desktop!
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