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Boooooooored. :(

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited December 2010 in General Banter
What am I to do when I am so completely bored?


  • Meditate! Stay with the boredom, the anxiety that comes with it and see it for what it actually is..

    Then watch it magically turn into peace.. :)

    Or go to Youtube, tee hee :D
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Trust me, I've already been on Youtube.

    I've played video games, read, and been on Youtube for the past two days. Thankfully, though, I'll have something to do for the next few days, though. :) Just need something to do to occupy my time tonight.
  • Read. Find something you're interested in to research. Take up a musical instrument, teach yourself a foreign language. If you're artistic, do something creative. Or just hang out with friends.

    Good luck.
  • prank call the police
  • reading writing, or prank calling the police, all good options, i generally stick with the first two
  • edited December 2010
    AFAIK, There's no such thing as boredom. You can be tired, distracted, or not 100%. But I don't think boredom exists. :coffee:

  • i think boredom, by definition is just a lacking of mindfulness.
  • put all of your socks in a pile and set them on fire. that would be exciting!
  • edited December 2010
    Are you serious? Prank calling the police is a good option??! They can trace your call, you know; you can get in serious trouble for that.

    Do what a lot of people do when they're bored; they call their friends on the phone and talk.
  • edited December 2010
    Are you serious? Prank calling the police is a good option??! They can trace your call, you know; you can get in serious trouble for that.
    It's too late - the internet police have already intercepted their plot and have sent out officers to their residences with arrest warrants for conspiracy. Good luck you guys!!! I know you were just kidding!!!

    No, wait..., that was the TV show I was just watching. :D

  • Are you serious? Prank calling the police is a good option??! They can trace your call, you know; you can get in serious trouble for that.

    Do what a lot of people do when they're bored; they call their friends on the phone and talk.
    you realize i was joking right?

  • I wasn't sure, since the first two activities you mentioned were legit.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited December 2010
    prank call the police
    I called my girlfriend and told her you told me to do this.

    She responded by saying: "So... you went to a Buddhist website and asked the people what to do because you were bored and they responded by telling you to prank call the police?! ... I thought all that Buddhists do is sit under trees and hum, not prank call the police. I expected them to tell you to meditate or something."

    Me: "Oh, they told me to do that too."
  • I wasn't sure, since the first two activities you mentioned were legit.
    yes that was the humor in it lol
  • edited December 2010
    MG, Pietro likes to post crazy, wacked posts. But when he posts a serious one, it's brilliant.

    (We also told you to call a friend on the phone. :D )
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