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The crusades, from the third person
So you ahve a group of people claiming to be doing Gods work, killing untold numbers of people that could also be called God's work. Where does it make sense that one man can kill another in the name of a diety? This is true today but now there is so much more at stake (Nuclear, biological weapons and whatnot). Now if you live in a certian country, regardless of your religeous affiliation, you could be extinguished for just looking a certian way. The muslim faith discourages this type of exterminating behavior yet, groups bent on this line of thinking seem to be doing it in the name af Allah. Does anyone have any level of understanding, even from an extremists viewpoint?
Many of the zealots of today are bred into hating a culture, a race, a religion, or even a country. Doesn't really matter how wrong their teachings are, they find enough evidence that they are right, justified.
Since we, the Evil Americans, are able to speak our minds, are relatively comfortable in our lives, they hate us. They see us as sloths and we must have made a deal with the devil.
Many almost believe that being happy and carefree is bad. You need to be oppressed and distraught in order to show you devotion to your God.
The only thing to combat this mi9ndset... wait it out and make damn sure that you are as kind and generous to everyone in the world. If we, the Americans, gave more to help less fortunate countries and cleaned up or political problems, maybe the next generation of "haters" won't hate us.
First and foremost I think most religion encourage us to be good that is do what is good or virtues and abandone what is evil.
If only people start educating themselves instead of following blindly without listening to religious talk and finding the truth in the teaching.
I think the majority of us are deluded. To them whether one is a muslim, christian or buddhist is just in name only or a form of their culture that is without actually practicing the true teaching. You won't fing them reading the bible,quaran or buddhist sutra or going to the mosque,church or temple.
That's why Buddhism is very relevant in this dharma ending age.
We won't be searching for enlightenment if our world is without suffering.
The Buddha renounce this world and search for enlightenment upon encountering an old man, a sick man and a dead man.
The bottom line is this: you don't pray to Allah so you are an infidel which in turn means you must convert or die.
Extend a friendly hand to these zealots and you will pull back a bloody nub.
Shall I wake up now.....?
I second that. Same in my experience, too.
I believe this is a problem with any religeon - and while I hope this isn't sacraligeous to the buddhists here - the same thing goes with Buddhism.
If we were to say that there was some omnipotent being in the universe - as someone once put it "God has no religeon".
An omnipotent being is one thing - religeon, I believe is a man made thing. That in itself is it's downfall. If we're not gods then how can we take it upon ourselves to think we know what a god is or what a god wants?
And this is where, I believe, all the problems start.
Some person, usually a self-proclaimed (or someone voted by a bunch of other men) holy person decides that "these people are wrong" and just by living seem to be defiling a certain religeons belief. Then those people who would rather be told what to do instead of thinking for themselves - or believe that by following the decree of someone else - the evil actions they do are justified.
I once read a long time ago that if you were to take the readings or teachings or major teachers in our lives - Buddha, Jesus, etc. - they all pretty much say the same thing. There are some differences - but most of all it's do kindness to yourself and respect and love others.
I've had so many people in my office and so many interruptions - I don't even remember if I made a point regarding the question asked