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What gets carried over to new lifetime in rebirth/reincarnation?

DakiniDakini Veteran
edited December 2010 in Buddhism Today
Following up on the discussions on rebirth: what,exactly, gets carried over from past life to new life? Karma only? Consciousness? Not "self", according to HHDL. Energy of some sort? If so, what sort? (Obviously, this is a question for those who do belief in rebirth and/or reincarnation.) There's a good film that explains the TB view on this: "Tibetan Book of the Dead", on DVD, FYI.


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran

    And how is not "self" carried over? :wtf:
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited December 2010
    I don't know: that's why I've set up this thread. All I know is, various authorities have said "self" is not carried over. Maybe it has something to do with the idea that there is no such thing as "self", "self" is just an illusion? Maybe someone can shed light on this. (I don't blame you for being confused, MindGate. It's good to try to hash all this stuff out.)
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Self is an illusion. If you cut your arm off, is that arm still you? Are all the dead skin cells that fall off of you... are they still you? If you're dead... are you still you? Not really, because that matter and energy that makes you up was probably someone else at some time. Energy and matter gets recycled, its not yours. You are constantly changing. Your mind, your body, even while you read this very sentence. Nothing is "you." You wouldn't be "you" without your parents, or their parents, or any event leading up to this. Its all dependent-arising and its forever changing.

    At least... thats how I see it.

    So, I don't see anything to be carried over. You could get into metaphysics and speculation, but thats all it is, speculation. The best argument people have is people remembering past lives, but prophets see God and Wiccans see fairies, so what makes them wrong? If we based our beliefs on what others experience, then we'd be ChristianWiccanZuespraisingJewMuslims.

    So yes, I want to see how people respond to your question.
  • Self is an illusion. If you cut your arm off, is that arm still you? .
    If you cut your arm off, that's just a piece of your body. What is it that makes up "self"? Your arm doesn't get reborn, does it? It's some non-physical aspect.

    Me too: want to see how people respond.

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    That was just the teaching of not-self. Everything non-physical would be meta-physical, which of course, is all speculation. So, are you referring to a soul? The concept of the soul I'm pretty sure Buddha was against.
  • aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
    edited December 2010
    buddha taught that the only thing carried over was karma. no physical aspect, no non-physical aspect. no unchanging soul, no self that always is, waiting behind the physical and mental processes. no nothing. what is there within us that never changes? nothing. no physical part no feeling not even our consciousness. nothing is unchanging nothing is carried over.

    anatta. no self, no soul no transmigration. the furthest buddha goes is to say that when your consciousness ends another is born and affected by it. but nothing is actually transferred.

    now, i don't know if that can be transcended by some "mistake" there has been talk on these forums about monks recalling past lives and there are many uncanny cases of past life regression outside of buddhism. but what the buddha taught is that nothing is carried over.

    furthermore when you die, what really dies? there is no YOU that dies, only the concept of you. the molecules, they don't die. the energy within you, it doesn't die, nothing really dies. the only difference is that the molecules are in a new formation, a formation that causes no consciousness, destroying all possibility for a sense of self. in that sense rebirth is constant.

    if you only read one thing, it's this: Buddha taught that after death there is no transmigration, and further that there is nothing to be transmigrated.
  • Nothing is lost. The aggregates came about due to conditions, and contributed to conditions. Those conditions, and the component parts that make up the aggregates, are still here when you "die". The place of death is the place of birth, indeed of life itself; emptiness.
  • Nothing is lost. The aggregates came about due to conditions, and contributed to conditions. Those conditions, and the component parts that make up the aggregates, are still here when you "die". The place of death is the place of birth, indeed of life itself; emptiness.
    yes none of the aggregates are lost, but specific details of the aggregates are. feelings generally are not lost but yours are memories generally are not lost but the ones within your brain are etc.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Feelings are just feelings; memories are just experiences that are clung to. Nothing that has ever happened is truly lost, it has only been transformed. Just because one person, who remembers something, dies... doesn't mean the something he remembers never happened. We cling to our experiences, but they're just experiences. Experience is life.

    The world with its conditions shapes you. You and the world grow together, creating new conditions. Those conditions are just-so at the moment of death. You're part of a stream of change, not separate from the stream. Know Anatta my friend. :D
  • edited December 2010
    aHN and Cloud, I'm not following. "Feelings are not lost but memories are not lost, but the ones within your brain are"? What does that mean? And how can feelings not be lost? Where or how would they be conserved? And what does "etc." refer to?

    "Nothing that has ever happened is truly lost"; referring to what, concretely? The fact that our actions have an impact on the world around us, so history is created and our actions have consequences that have transformational effects on people we interact with and on the society in which we participate? This is the only way I'm able to understand this statement. Unless you're referring to karma, the concept of karma that carries over from lifetime to lifetime, as opposed to the karma that applies to cause and effect within a single lifetime. If it carries over to future lives, that implies that there is some supernatural phenomenon where good and bad deeds, or compassionate and malicious or egoistic intent is recorded and carried over to the next lifetime. I don't think the exact nature of that can be determined or proven to the scientific mind. I suppose that's the part of Buddhism that involves faith.

    I've always believed in reincarnation, the system of reincarnate lamas, but maybe I haven't been a good Buddhist in accepting these things unquestioningly. More recently a few people have told me that the selection of tulkus often is manipulated, the appointments (selections) were often politically-based, some people used to pay for tulkuships (like Steven Seagal apparently did), etc. But this is new information, I haven't decided what to make of it.

    I've read some of the literature on the studies of children recalling past lives, and I also have a psychologist friend who said the daughter of one of her clients sometimes lectured her dad about "last time, when I was the mommy and you had to do what I said". This type of story is convincing to me, maybe not to others.
  • The Buddha never taught reincarnation; I have no idea what Tibetan/Vajrayana is, but if it's Buddhism then Buddhism can't be taken to mean the Buddha-Dharma. *insert sad face here*
  • edited December 2010
    I've noticed posts here and there on the site saying that TB isn't true B. That might make a good subject for a separate thread, or...not. It might upset people. I'm curious about everything, so I just see such a discussion as a potential learning experience.
    So, Cloud, he didn't teach reincarnation, but he taught rebirth?
  • As far as I know, yes, but people view rebirth in different ways; mostly in ways where they're thinking of themselves existing in some future life. There's still clinging there. I'm only concerned with what is here and now, for myself and others, but everyone's entitled to their own views. Comfort food; that's what it is. It doesn't release from dukkha, but it lessens dukkha.
  • Cloud, what carries over with the rebirth, if anything? A karmic record?
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Everything carries over, but it's not you or yours. Where could it go? The place you were born is the place you live and the place you die; emptiness. Nothing is ever created or destroyed, there is no "separate" anything. You mark your birth or conception as a beginning and your death as an end, but neither is true; things converged and transformed into the organism that is "you", and will disperse to become new things as is natural.

    It is here and now that we suffer; here and now that we can end suffering. Why worry about after-death? Do you worry about before-death? Think about what you were before you were born... think really hard. You'll realize that you're just a conditioned arising, you weren't born into the world but "from" the world; from the emptiness. Meditate on Anatta; use your mind's eye to dissect everything that you are, try to find anything that isn't dependent upon something else, isn't subject to conditioning, isn't subject to change.

    This reality isn't about us, we're nothing special really (to put a Zen spin on it). Our wrong thinking, that we're better than the world, than the other animals, something special probably created by a god or gods, and that for some reason we get to live forever... it's all delusion and self-clinging/self-preservation views. People are afraid of admitting what science has been showing us, that life and death are natural and there's nothing different about us than other animals (except our intelligence level). The fact is, once you get past "self view" and accept the truth it's like a weight being set down. The fear itself is only born out of ignorance; remove the ignorance, the fear goes away to be replaced with peace.
  • "Everything carries over"? Karma? Consciousness? Soul? Spirit? What kind of "everything"?
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited December 2010
    The big everything. You are not "you"; what consists of your body and mind is neither "you" nor "yours". It's conditioned phenomena... transient, not-self, and subject to dukkha when the mind clings to self view, to sense pleasures, to aversion and all else. Understand this... every last thing that is "you" now used to be something else, and before that something else, and before that something else. This will continue on into the future in like fashion. "You" are a specific, unique combination that has arisen due to conditions (i.e. your parents and all else that preceded conception) for so long as it continues to function as a unit; there's no you before, no you after, in fact no you now as you think of it as an unchanging or permanent being.
  • Right, so the "everything non-me" refers to what? What's the "big everything"?
  • It is no thing. You want someone to tell you what it is, but that is impossible. It simply is. To conceptualize is to take away from it.
  • I don't know if you guys are familiar with string theory, it essentially holds that all things are made of the same "substance" there are no irreducible molecules. every particle even quarks and electrons are in fact strings of energy vibrating in different ways.

    all things are essentially energy, just formed separately. the substance (although calling it a substance implies 3 dimensionality when it is in fact of 0 dimensions) is subject to forces, electromagnetism strong force etc. this is all very much consistent with buddhism, although they missed the force of karma. :D

    just the idea that all things are truly 1 single "substance" subject to certain constant forces, and with infinite separate universes, so consistent with buddhism. well thats more M-theory but anyway..

    so essentially there is only this substance, existing in four spacial dimensions, parallel universes etc. great with buddhism.
  • Grasping of thoughts as the appearance of reality gets transered to rebirth. When you reduce that to atoms and worms it is nothing. Because rebirth happens outside of time and space. If at all. How would worms turn into a modern baby from a roman craftsman? Its not by the atoms being sucked together by magic fields. The self is not the atoms. Well its not other than them but it cannot be pinned down. Disecting realty into mine and yours. Invader. You jerk. Me jerk. All of this is thinking and emotions which lead back under all the layers to the heart of wisdom seeking wisdom.
  • the self is just a concept.
  • the self is just a concept.
    What isn't a concept?
  • waking up from a concept. What is that? How does it happen?
  • Hmmm. Interesting question. Perhaps by understanding the merit of other concepts.
  • there is truly only one non-concept.
    energy. anything else is just a description of a certain formation of energy, or the description of its properties and effects.
  • there is truly only one non-concept.
    energy. anything else is just a description of a certain formation of energy, or the description of its properties and effects.
    That's one way of looking at it. There's many many many many many ways of looking at it :)
  • aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
    edited January 2011
    not really
    every single other thing which exists can be broken down into energy, everything is just energy measured in a certain unit and formation, described in a concept
  • your mom gets carried over
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I agree with Pietro Pumokin.
  • hmm i never thought of it that way, the mom is carried over! im breaking free! the truth has come! ignorance has ended! I AM ENLIGHTENED!!!!
  • not really
    every single other thing which exists can be broken down into energy, everything is just energy measured in a certain unit and formation, described in a concept
    Does energy change?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited January 2011
    But is your mother enlightened, aHN?
  • I agree that everything is energy. That's why our mundane view of reality is an illusion; because everything we perceive to be a solid object is, in fact, energy.
  • aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
    edited January 2011
    not really
    every single other thing which exists can be broken down into energy, everything is just energy measured in a certain unit and formation, described in a concept
    Does energy change?
    no. energy is 0 dimensional there is an infinite amount of it. it is constantly moving but it can't change as it is irreducible.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Energy transfers and changes form, such as from heat to chemical or from heat to food.
  • edited January 2011
    not really
    every single other thing which exists can be broken down into energy, everything is just energy measured in a certain unit and formation, described in a concept
    Does energy change?
    no. energy is 0 dimensional there is an infinite amount of it. it is constantly moving but it can't change as it is irreducible.
    How can it move if it doesn't take up space? And how can it be in 1 place this moment and then another the next if it doesn't change?
  • how can it move if it doesn't take up space? well for one thing, movement is a property of matter. energy has no mass, it doesn't really move. i suppose you could say it moves at an infinite speed. but then the actual process of movement doesn't exist.

    matter however is energy in a certain form (a vibrating string) it can move because it is now liable to forces and gravity, all coming from other strings of energy bound into certain forms.

    if you really want to go into physics we can go there
  • edited January 2011
    So within two posts you say "it is constantly moving" and "it doesn't really move" and "the actual process of movement doesn't exist."

    The only reason I am even discussing with you is because you said that energy is the only non-concept. Well guess what? There is no word which is not a concept. Energy is a word. Energy is a concept. There is a reason all of the realized people say it's ineffable. It can't be summed up in words. Letalone the single word "energy." That being said, if it brings you peace then that's great! I only desire that you don't view your way of looking at it as the only way. That is why I made my comment. You can't think that your way of viewing things is the only way. Well you can. But then what makes you better than an ultra-conservative christian who believes all non-believers are going to hell? It's just your beliefs vs. his beliefs.
  • sigh, i guess you didn't quite get the concept i was trying to explain.
    it's location can change but it travels at an infinite speed. there is no time when you can say it's moving but it can change it's location.

    also i don't think you understand concepts vs. reality.

    yes the word energy is a concept. but there is a thing to which the word energy is pointing which can not be reduced and so is not a concept. all other things are just formations of energy which can be described with concepts.

    also your idea that multiple views can be right in terms of metaphysics is a logical fallacy. the fact is energy is the only non-concept. this is either true or not true.

    also can you please do me a favor and not argue while at the same time acting as you are above argument, that's called being passive-aggressive. please pick one, passive or aggressive. being both is just a defense mechanism so that you can fight me while trying to seem as if your above fighting in general. if anything just be honest please. I'd love to have a real discussion without you turning it into a passive-aggressive stand off.

    honestly i think you need to do a little introspection. are you really of transcendent of everything as you claim? are you really "enlightened?"

    the fact that you can't have an argument without simultaneously trying to protect your reputation as above all us sleepers makes me really doubt that you have the slightest degree of authenticity.

    but go ahead, tell me i can't affect you with my negativity or something. even if its negativity at least it's honest, i'm not claiming to be perfect or trying to look like i am.

    so, discussion or no discussion?
  • lol. no discussion. You think that my debating is being aggressive, and I have no desire to be aggressive or to give the impression of aggressiveness. So I will not debate with you. I choose passive. Have a good new year! :)
  • aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
    edited January 2011
    you too, remember honesty
    there is nothing wrong with being aggressive it's when you are aggressive and also acting as if the conflict is below you that bugs me.

    don't be worried about an impression of being aggressive, it's only human

    the only people who are truly passive are enlightened people. they have no need for aggression
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    How about we end it at this:

    What you think of as "you" is not reincarnated... ever - thats it.
  • well i can agree with that, but i think there are other issues
  • How about we end it at this:

    What you think of as "you" is not reincarnated... ever - thats it.
    But you do bring forth oh so much life. You are a creator of realities!
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Things that are irrelevant.

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    And TJ, what I'm referring to is: When people, or at least I do, think of reincarnation, I think of the transmigration of something similar to a soul, or what makes us us. A conscious, or whatever you want to call this metaphysical body.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2011
    sigh, i guess you didn't quite get the concept i was trying to explain.
    it's location can change but it travels at an infinite speed. there is no time when you can say it's moving but it can change it's location.

    yes the word energy is a concept. but there is a thing to which the word energy is pointing which can not be reduced and so is not a concept. all other things are just formations of energy which can be described with concepts.

    .....[The] idea that multiple views can be right in terms of metaphysics is a logical fallacy. the fact is energy is the only non-concept. this is either true or not true.
    The Chinese call this Chi, the Japanese, Qi. It means 'Dragon's Breath', because it is a concept we can visualise, but never see....Comprehend but never understand.
    It's amazing 'stuff' and A very good explanation, aHN, of something so elusive as to be nondescript. Thanks.
    also i don't think you understand concepts vs. reality.
    I was coming to the same conclusion.

    also can you please do me a favor and not argue while at the same time acting as you are above argument, that's called being passive-aggressive. please pick one, passive or aggressive. being both is just a defense mechanism so that you can fight me while trying to seem as if your above fighting in general. if anything just be honest please. I'd love to have a real discussion without you turning it into a passive-aggressive stand off.

    honestly i think you need to do a little introspection. are you really of transcendent of everything as you claim? are you really "enlightened?"

    the fact that you can't have an argument without simultaneously trying to protect your reputation as above all us sleepers makes me really doubt that you have the slightest degree of authenticity.

    I don't think TJ realises but it's called 'being patronising'.
    And I'm sure he would claim all innocence and tell us it is our perception, but if that's the way a person conveys themselves, through unskilful indifference, we call it what it is....

  • edited January 2011
    Bodhipunk's comment on another thread is very relevant here:

    "The Buddhist principle of 'punarbhava' or re-becoming/rebirth [...] states that it is the vijnana (consciousness or mind) that carries kammic influence from rebirth to rebirth, for it is part of Samsara. The lack of a fixed, permanent 'self' (anatman) does not imply lack of continuity.

    According to the Bhava Sutta (AN III.76) [a source! Thank you, Bodhipunk!] Buddha tells Ananda that 'Kamma is the field, consciousness the seed, and craving the moisture for beings obstructed by ignorance and fettered by craving to be established in a new realm of existence, either low (sense-sphere), middling (form-sphere) or high (formless sphere). Thus there is re-becoming in the future.' "

    In sum, what carries over is kamma via the vehicle of consciousness or mind.
  • edited January 2011
    buddha taught that the only thing carried over was karma. no physical aspect, no non-physical aspect. no unchanging soul, no self that always is, waiting behind the physical and mental processes. no nothing. what is there within us that never changes? nothing. no physical part no feeling not even our consciousness. nothing is unchanging nothing is carried over.
    If there is no soul, self, anything, how can karma be transferred then?
    It just picks something to go to, and that's from what I've done that it goes to the next body or whatever? So, then are you saying there is no soul or consciousness? Then how does it know where to go, as if you would know....
    Or do you?
  • i can't really pretend to know, only hypothesize based on the Buddha's teachings. perhaps it is a force? like magnetism?
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