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Feels Bad Man

edited January 2011 in General Banter
I don't really know why but I'm in a pretty dumpy mood.
I get the feeling it's because I'm, well, for lack of a better word, "Lonely".

Anything to cheer me up? Any methods to help me?

And yes, I am meditating.


  • watch an ajahn brahm dharma talk on youtube, funny and good for learning. i do that when i'm down.

    do you not have friends to spend time with? or just aren't spending time with them right now

    i don't have many friends and considering that before buddhism i used to be a depressed know-it-all jerk. i've started to bring back some of the people i've alienated by being more light-hearted and kind. the most you can do with meditation is end suffering, but it can't really bring you the type of happiness friends can.
  • edited January 2011
    I don't really know why but I'm in a pretty dumpy mood.
    I get the feeling it's because I'm, well, for lack of a better word, "Lonely".

    Anything to cheer me up? Any methods to help me?

    And yes, I am meditating.
    I've got actually no friends. The last time i went out for recreational purposes was a month ago, and before it has been plain blank for a year and half. Those feelings strike me often so, i probably understand. Nothing to say beside this. I don't have any solution. I hope this kind of sharing may make you feel a little less lonely.
  • Yeah, you gave me a good idea, Ajahn Brahm always cheers me up.

    And yeah I have friends but alot of them have work and schools starting soon. Plus, my transportations kinda fudged.

    I dunno, just kinda sad. Women be crazy.
  • aHappyNihilistaHappyNihilist Veteran
    edited January 2011
    just know that the feeling will pass, also know that all it is is a feeling.

    his latest recorded talk, very very relevant.
  • just know that the feeling will pass, also know that all it is is a feeling.

    his latest recorded talk, very very relevant.
    Dude, I just watched that one, I'm going to watch it again to get it in my head. Namaste
  • I agree with Brahm talks.

    I haven't listened lately but I also felt better when I did.
    I will start back.

    Thanks for the new one!
  • just know that the feeling will pass, also know that all it is is a feeling.

    his latest recorded talk, very very relevant.
    Thanks for posting this video. It was just what I needed to watch at this moment :)

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