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Planetary Awakening

edited January 2011 in Buddhism Today
I wasn't really sure where to put this, but I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts about the so called "planetary awakening" or the major shift in human consciousness taking place in preparation for the 2012 event, whatever that may be or not be. There's probably a bunch of websites. You could google it. Here's some.

I don't really know what the frick is going on. I've always been really hesitant to buy into things like this. Maybe it doesn't really matter and I shouldn't worry about it too much. Doomsday prophecies are just so... scary! And they really capture the imagination. I read the 2012 thread on this site, seems like most people think it's completely bogus. Maybe it is. I can imagine sitting in my apartment on that date and like, huddling in fear or something, and then....nothing happens. That'd be a great lesson in and of itself. I wonder if any enlightened Buddhist monks prophesied anything about this... Maybe the best idea is to just not do anything drastic. :)


  • Buy stock in companies that manufacture or sell survival supplies, freeze-dried foods, and the like. Then, sail into 2013 a little bit richer :)
  • Buy stock in companies that manufacture or sell survival supplies, freeze-dried foods, and the like. Then, sail into 2013 a little bit richer :)
    Hahahaha sounds like good advice!
  • And alcohol haha. For those partying 2012 midnight, no I'm not drinking again just saying.
  • edited January 2011
    I wasn't really sure where to put this, but I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts about the so called "planetary awakening" or the major shift in human consciousness taking place in preparation for the 2012 event, whatever that may be or not be. There's probably a bunch of websites. You could google it. Here's some.

    I don't really know what the frick is going on. I've always been really hesitant to buy into things like this. Maybe it doesn't really matter and I shouldn't worry about it too much. Doomsday prophecies are just so... scary! And they really capture the imagination. I read the 2012 thread on this site, seems like most people think it's completely bogus. Maybe it is. I can imagine sitting in my apartment on that date and like, huddling in fear or something, and then....nothing happens. That'd be a great lesson in and of itself. I wonder if any enlightened Buddhist monks prophesied anything about this... Maybe the best idea is to just not do anything drastic. :)
    I can only give you a non-Buddhist opinion on the topic. I have seen and heard many theories and prophecies of an upcoming cosmic event on 2012. We all recall the dire warnings about Y2K. It ended up a non event. There will always be people who exploit these situations. Doomsday predictions are not anything new.

    According to Carlos Barrios, a Guatemalan anthropologist and student of Maya history and calendars, it is true that the Long Count calendar ends in December of 2012, but the world will not. The end of the calendar doesn't signal the end of the world but a transformation of some sort.

    The present condition of the world probably does have many people frightened and hoping for positive change. A cosmic miracle to change what we, ourselves, are unwilling or unable to do.

    Rmurray1985- You are so right. They are hyping the need for everything-precious metals, seed banks, fallout shelters, MRI meals, and the like. The people who buy and sell in this market are the ones who will most likely experience a transformation. Buyers will transfer their money into the accounts of the sellers.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    2012 adds up to 5 which in Feng Shui is a highly significant number, and denotes a central Earth Energy on the Bagua.

    Make of that what you will.....
  • Sounds exactly like what a Government reptilian alien covering up the Truth would say!

    Heh, I didn't know that guy was hilarious.
  • edited January 2011
    Like most everyone else, I too think that the 2012 doomsdaying is a bunch of baloney, much like the mass technology driven hysteria of the year 2000 bug.

    There is a big difference though. In 2000, everyone had some very real fears and worries, while this 2012 doomsday seems more like an excuse to poke fun at our own hysteria. Now that we're all pretty confident that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is going to happen in 2012...this is what I'm now worried about. :D
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    It doesn't matter.
    As dates always change....
    Like you always see sunshine...
    Like you always see rain...
    I used to be into this whole, "new age," however, realized it was like anything else...
    Wherever you put your energy/mind towards it will manifest itself.
    Like SRY-SWAMI-SIVANANDA said...Thought is Power!:)
  • I don't believe in any sort of 2012 doomsday. I do, however, think this whole "planetary awakening" thing is likely. I don't talk about it too much, though, cuz if it happens it happens and if it doesn't it doesn't. No need to believe in it, we'll just see.
  • That theory originally came from someone talking about the Mayan calendar, which reaches the end of a major eon in 2012. But nothing happens by Mayan tradition; it's just like a New Year in our calendar--the start of a new eon. Somebody decided to make waves by hyping it up into a big fictional deal.
  • There's always going to be something for people to look forward to, be it good or bad; mostly bad. The whole idea of some sort of apocalypse is ingrained in the culture of the United States at any rate because of religion.
  • edited January 2011
    I don't think he's talking about an apocolypse. Planetary awakening is a very interesting and imo possible thing. It seems to be consistent with what's going on in my life. I truly believe that we're on the brink of greatness. Things that are beyond what we've been trained to believe are possible. But it's all happening now. That's what people don't get. As far as this stuff is concerned, there is no time. Time has no bearing. So it's all now. Think of this world as a place where all this is happening simultaneously.
  • I was referring to people talking about 2012 and stuff, not the awakening.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I don't believe in any sort of 2012 doomsday. I do, however, think this whole "planetary awakening" thing is likely. I don't talk about it too much, though, cuz if it happens it happens and if it doesn't it doesn't. No need to believe in it, we'll just see.
    Time will tell !:)
  • chariramacharirama Veteran
    edited February 2011
    Just a brief comment on the Y2K references here.

    At the time of Y2K I was working in the IT industry. We did a lot of preparation to make sure there was minimal impact and I believe we did a good job in making it a non-event. I'm not looking for credit for IT people but I will say it was a man made issue (Y2K being a totally arbitrary moment in time) with a man made solution.

    2012 seems to be more of a a cosmic moment with the winer solstice occurring at the same time as other events that are seemingly out of our control.
  • 2012 and the planetary awakening...
    It all casts new light on the Chinese curse of increasing severity:
    "May you live in interesting times."
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Just a brief comment on the Y2K references here.

    At the time of Y2K I was working in the IT industry. We did a lot of preparation to make sure there was minimal impact and I believe we did a good job in making it a non-event. I'm not looking for credit for IT people but I will say it was a man made issue (Y2K being a totally arbitrary moment in time) with a man made solution.

    2012 seems to be more of a a cosmic moment with the winer solstice occurring at the same time as other events that are seemingly out of our control.
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