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Would "Survivor" the TV Show Work With Buddhists?

edited January 2011 in General Banter
I never saw a whole episode, but I have seen excerpts. I'm just wondering what kinds of mistakes were made on that show, among participants, that the average dedicated western Buddhist (i.e most of us here on NB?) would not eventually make.

My point: I get thru the day probably being the nicest guy in the neighborhood. I help people. I smile. I only rarely get p*ssed and never stay that way for long. I let people get in front of me at the checkout counter. All that stuff.

I have lots of empathy for people and I see them as struggling. I feel better knowing, even if it was extremely small, I added something positive to my encounters with others.

Though my life isn't perfectly easy, it sure is a breeze compared to most of the other people on this planet.

So am I am cushy Buddhist?

Would I "crack" after a few episodes of "Survivor" or would I be one of the last on the island?

How about you? Other people? Your teacher. How about H.H. Dalai Lama? :D


  • A Buddhist group in the program wouldn't make for good theatre, since we'd each tend to vote ourselves off the island instead of causing anyone else to lose. I find it painful to watch these types of shows, since they're designed to bring out the worst in people and the producers pick the contestants carefully to make sure there's plenty of conflict.
  • edited January 2011
    I find it painful to watch these types of shows, since they're designed to bring out the worst in people and the producers pick the contestants carefully to make sure there's plenty of conflict.
    Yes, good point C.! Wow. That went over my head. The "Survival" show and shows like it are totally manipulated for "failure" not for success. Not exactly a helpful learning situation.

    I'm still left wondering if I'd crack and de-volve into a once-Buddhist jerk after feeling the pressure of a real life severe survival situation.

    Maybe I should Google how Buddhism does in prisons (a totally adverse survival situation).

  • There is a Buddhist organization that tries to teach prisoners meditation. I lost track of their online link some years ago.
  • JakbobJakbob Explorer
    edited January 2011
    I would love to be apart of that show or watch it :) We would all sit about meditating and maybe helping out one another with exercises to prepare for the next challenge. Come dinner time, the conversation would be: "You eat, I insist. No you eat, trust me I'm fine..." and so on :D.
  • edited January 2011
    There is a Buddhist organization that tries to teach prisoners meditation. I lost track of their online link some years ago.
    That would be and others.

    My temple supports a prison sangha ( ). A number of our members have reached parole, and only one has reoffended. The practice seems to be very helpful, both while inside and after release.
  • Can you see the secret voting, and everyone getting one vote each as we all vote for ourselves as the person who has to leave the island?

    "Come on guys, SOMEONE has to vote against your neighbor!"
  • I love watching survivor it's one of my favorite shows. I've watched at least 5 full seasons. I'd like to apply to be on it one day soon. Here are a few factors though as to why a Buddhist may not be at a big advantage.

    -They pick confrontational, and eccentric people. Sometimes you see some kind, normal seeming people, but that tends to be rare. That was more common in past seasons. I have noticed lately that they tend to go for more aggressive or unique people for entertainment value. You got to watch the season "Heroes VS Villains" to really see the people they're looking for, that was a great season. So I doubt you would get on the show if you were a passive Buddhist. You'd have to really stand out in another way to make it worth picking you up.

    -The one that stands out the most gets hammered. By this, I mean even if you're being kind to everyone, talking to everyone, making friends with everyone. Eventually they will realize "Hey that guy is friends with everyone in the jury. We better vote him out so he won't make it to the final 3."
    Almost without fail, it's the nice players who are under heavy fire in the last few episodes. If they don't win immunity, the nicest people get voted out for sure. They have to go on streaks of winning the immunities to stay in.

    The meaner people often make it to the end, because everyone thinks that there is no way they would win the jury votes for the million for being such an asshole, so that's who they want to take with them to the final three. The good guys do often win, but those good guys struggle and work hard to win immunities. It's the immunities that allow them to make it to the end. The easier wins go to the people who have done nothing in the game, but stay under the radar without pissing too many people off.

    But really, as much as I have seen the show I can see it's not all a social game. You better bring the social game and the physical game enough to beat the challenges if you really want to win. The under the radar strategy where you do nothing can work, but since those people don't win challenges they are easier to vote off any time. I would say after Sandra won twice for doing nothing, they're going to start voting off people like that before they make it to the end.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    You would probably get voted off the first day for not engaging in gossip. :)
  • Wow. Thanks for the analysis Mr Serenity. That's nasty stuff.

    I wouldn't mind watching a Buddhist version, would be commercial free and on PBS.
    You would probably get voted off the first day for not engaging in gossip. :)
    Yeah, gossip: gross behavior. I know because I only gossip with my elderly mother, it keeps her going. I don't gossip with other people.

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