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This maybe a common dilemma plus question about a mantra!

edited January 2011 in Buddhism Today
Hi I just need advice on something simple - Im definetly converting to buddhism and i have been recently seeking refuge too in my own way to keep my mind focused while im going through a stressful time. Its working for me and more than anything i feel like im able to deattach from things petty and that mind can become clear. My dilemma is, I still live with my family and they follow my former religion - which i had been questioning for a long period of time and at a stage i tried hard to conform to thats when i moved away from it I disagreed on so many issues - as im so new to buddhism im keeping this all quiet from them. Has anyone else decided to keep their conversion quiet?

in my defence, my religion is in my heart so does it really matter if i chose to keep it to myself? The other thing is, does anyone know if there is anywhere online i can look origination and meaning of a mantra? Im looking for the origination of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum.




    It's up to you what you tell your family; you'll have to weigh the discomfort of being deceptive (when needed) with the discomfort of them judging you. There's no real right answer here, especially since being able to walk the path is what's important and you should feel comfortable doing it your way.

  • thanks cloud :)
  • I'd suggest you tell them. Think about it terms of your happiness and others' happiness. In the long run, which action would cause more of which?
  • My mother is a fundamentalist Christian who lives and breathes her religion since her retirement. She knows I'm Buddhist, but has never broached the subject and I don't bring it up either. For maybe 20 years now this "don't ask, don't tell" policy has held sway. If the way she handles it is to ignore it, I don't want to upset her.

    So just do your own thing, and let the people around you decide how to deal with it.
  • edited January 2011
    The origination of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum in english is God of Mercy or simply as benevolence heart, in you. It is always there momentarily in every instant :wow: Frequent mindful recitation of Om Mani Padme Hum would be helpful to recalling it out. It is self-power way of practice with metta.
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