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I love NewBuddhist. I don't know why so many people say its full of mean spirited people. I don't see any, I just think people get offended too easily. Sure, many people may get a bit upset if someone tries to repute their beliefs, but they shouldn't get upset! No one here is genuinely perfect, we're all learning, and debating is a good thing. Until we start calling each other 'idiot' and such, I see nothing wrong with a debate. At NewBuddhist, I feel like most people are accepting.
My only problem is: Answers seem to be repeated, too long and irrelevant, or very hard to wrap your mind around.
Use that to insert photos. First line of code.
Mindgate, there is a story in the UK press just now about MP Jack Straw's comments on Muslim women wearing the hijab. Basically he would like to see the expressions of his constituents and respectfully asks those wearing the veil to remove it.
On a forum, we do not have the luxury of being able to remove our veils. I must say that I have read posts from several people that I've thought hmmmm maybe a bit too blunt or sharp! Without seeing expression though, its sometimes impossible to judge intention and some people do come across as mean spirited or plain rude.
Debate is wonderful, but when doing so using the written word, one should be mindful to consider how others could potentially interpret our words. After all, may well intentioned words come across in a completely different way to the reader.
Also, it may be the case that there are those who seek to resolve mental issues through Buddha on this forum, which of course is positive. However, we must consider that the issues may be a long way off from being resolved