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Closing Threads doesn't seem very dharmic. Could they not just be moved out of the way?
In this world of censorship and propaganda it would be wholesome if this place alone could be immune.
I would wager that The Buddha wouldn't close threads;)
Close a thread (this leaves it visible for those who wish to read, mark and inwardly digest the contents
Sink a thread (it gets left where it is, instead of being hauled to the top of the discussion board every time someone makes a new comment. This has been done by moe and other Mods, either to quietly deal with something which could precipitate into something more unskilful or sinister, or has actually been done by me, by request from the OP on more than one occasion.)
Delete a thread completely and erase it from the forum.
WE can also move them to the thread and post dump, but this is generally reserved for trolls, spammers and those hitching a ride wishing to spread publicity material.
I couldn't agree more, wouldn't it?
But it isn't. It's a forum, just like any other, and as such, while members behave in a way as members do on any other forum, then these things apply. If he comes on here as a Moderator, I'd wager he would. but as he hasn't applied, then we'll never know, will we?
Is this another unconjecturable?
Looks like you're stuck with present Admin and Mod's.
Get over it.