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Acceptable for Payment

TalismanTalisman Veteran
edited January 2011 in General Banter
As I've stated before, I work as a debt collector for medical bills. Just now, I got a call to a woman, who stated that she has no money to make pmt, and that as a minister she should be allowed to provide ministry to the staff and patients at the hospital as a means of acceptable payment.

I told her she might want to discuss the issue of payment with her friends and peers to see if something can be done, and that this isn't the kind of world where such practices are accepted by proffessional institutions.

What do you think about this proposal?

*edit: forgot to put into general banter


  • Unless you live in a barter economy, this exchange is not feasible.
  • In many instances the wealthy can get away with returning 1c in the dollar to resolve their debts. So if this woman can negotiate a barter deal, good on her.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited January 2011
    No harm in trying. She should submit a formal proposal to the board. It's not your role to decide this issue.
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