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  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    What are your guys thoughts?
  • In my experience, Tropical Astrology tends to be far more accurate. It is, however, 25.5 days off, which is where Sidereal Astrology comes. You may find Jyotish Astrology interesting seeing the Hindu nature of these forums.

    Sidereal Astrology has a tendency to stress the moon sign whereas Tropical Astrology, which you are used to, stresses the sun sign.

    My Tropical sun sign is Scorpio, my moon is Virgo.
    According to Sidereal my sun is a Libra, like my girlfriend.
    I know tons of Libras, in fact, for several years I've learned every person's Zodiac typically when I meet them, I'll usually try to guess it first. In the United States at least, the more you discover about a person's Tropical chart, at minimum the sun and moon, it will match well 90% or so of the time. It's uncanny.
  • As Robert Wilkinson says at the Aquarius Papers:

    Yawn. This is just more of the same old same old. The astronomers approximate the "Sidereal positions," though all will admit that NO ONE actually knows when the divergence between the zodiac and the constellations began. This is just another approximation made by a literalist who wants to link astrology to the constellations rather than the symbolic cycles of unfoldment.
    There are also ancient zodiacs that included Cetus and Ophiuchus that did not include Libra. In ancient days there was one HUGE constellation called Virgo-Scorpio. It was only upon the arrival of Venus in our solar system that the ancients created Libra out of Virgo-Scorpio and made the one big one into three smaller ones.

    This is just more nonsense comparing apples and oranges from a nobody trying to become somebody.
  • edited January 2011
    It was only upon the arrival of Venus in our solar system that the ancients created Libra out of Virgo-Scorpio and made the one big one into three smaller ones.

    What does this mean?

    Is he saying that Venus flew in from out of the solar system less than 100,000 years ago? That's ridiculous.

    Or is he just talking about the incorporation of Venus into astrological systems?

    Ahhhh...I think I understand; he's following Velikovsky. Umm...yeah...
  • He is referring to the Ancient Wisdom teachings that Venus did not form along with the rest of the solar system, but rather was captured by the sun's gravitational field. I don't think he has made a comment on the timeframe for this.
  • edited January 2011
    No, I believe he is following Velikovsky who created his own "ancient" wisdom, molding myth to fit his theory and ignoring the myths (and actual evidence) that don't support it.

    I know that in previous times the Sun rose in the West and set in the East. It is a common record among the ancient peoples around the world. [citation needed] Velikovsky was ridiculed for his research in that area. Oh well. I'm sure we shall see it again, whether in this lifetime or another.

    This notion is countered easily:
    In the Velikovskian worldview [...] the zodiac has no meaning until Earth's present tilt was achieved. But, in fact, the earliest signs of the zodiac date from 5,500 B.C., long before Velikovskians believe the present order began (Gurshtein, 1993 and 1995).


    If Venus got close enough during a near collision for its air to flow onto Earth, then, as Philip Plait explains in BAD Astronomy (Wiley, 2002), this "means that Venus would have to be closer than 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) from the surface of the Earth" (p. 181). Such an encounter would have sterilized Earth's biosphere and flung the Moon into interplanetary space. Neither happened and, in fact, ancient lunar calendars and other records show that the Moon's orbit has not changed significantly in the past 5,800 years.
  • I am not sure whether a debate about catastrophism is relevant to the OPs post. I would think not terribly relevant.
  • These articles only apply to the Western zodiac, as far as I can tell. Eastern astrology (which I find much more relevant and accurate) isn't affected. Getting a reading from a good, thorough Tibetan astrologer is a unique experience in life. I recommend it.
  • edited January 2011
    I am not sure whether a debate about catastrophism is relevant to the OPs post. I would think not terribly relevant.
    It is this very catastrophism that Wilkinson (whom you brought into the discussion) is claiming is responsible for the current zodiac. And the (supposed) reason for the "change" that the OP is asking about.

    I think that makes it peculiarly relevant.
  • These articles only apply to the Western zodiac, as far as I can tell. Eastern astrology (which I find much more relevant and accurate) isn't affected. Getting a reading from a good, thorough Tibetan astrologer is a unique experience in life. I recommend it.
    You're not the only one to have said this. May I ask why eastern astrology is more relevant?
  • Hi, Valois. Speaking from my own experience, I've never found Western astrology to relate well to who I am or what's going on in my life. Tibetan astrology fits to a "T". That's just the way it is for me. I didn't believe in astrology until I came across Tibetan astrology. There's no denying the Tibetans are on to something. But if Western works for you, fine. Whatever works. I'm glad there's a diversity of astrological traditions for people to choose from and see what works best.
  • If we go by the charts provided, I would jump from being on the Scorpio/Libra cusp to smack dab in the middle of Virgo. Quite honestly, I don't picture myself as a Virgo. I've known way too many and I don't believe I fall into that category by even the slightest longshot.

    It wouldn't however change my chinese horoscope much. I'm still very much the benign little(or rather I should say big) metal boar I've always been. :D

    Then again, I take this stuff with a grain of salt. It's nice for entertainment but not much else.

    Peace :om:
  • Hi, Valois. Speaking from my own experience, I've never found Western astrology to relate well to who I am or what's going on in my life. Tibetan astrology fits to a "T". That's just the way it is for me. I didn't believe in astrology until I came across Tibetan astrology. There's no denying the Tibetans are on to something. But if Western works for you, fine. Whatever works. I'm glad there's a diversity of astrological traditions for people to choose from and see what works best.
    Hm. I've checked out a really superficial Chinese astrology as well as an equally superficial Mayan astrology and neither were me. Upalabhava here once directed me to some Yi Jing astrology and again, with a very brief and superficial look, it didn't suit me. Is there a way to get a decent online Tibetan reading? I did a good Google search and nothing good.
  • To answer your earlier question, Valois, I think which astrological system you pick is purely individual. The Asian zodiac just seems to fit me best. If you've had good experiences with the Western one, you might as well stick to that. I doubt the TIbetans have put their astrological divinations online. Theirs is a very complex system that takes into account the date of your mother's birth as well as your birthdate and time. It involves elements, positive and negative charge, all kinds of factors. In my case the astrologer correctly indicated the location of a birthmark on my body--that was impressive. I'd recommend you go to a New Age or other such bookstore that has books on all the astrological traditions, and look up your birthday in a Chinese astrology book, then in a Tibetan one. There is one Chinese astrology book available that I don't like at all. It's written by a westerner, and she seems to get really carried away with expository writing, without keeping in mind the criteria for each sign so much. But you can at least have a nice day at the bookstore, checking this stuff out.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I don't believe in Astrology.
    But there, it's a well known fact we Arians are very sceptical.... :D
  • edited January 2011
    Speaking from my own experience, I've never found Western astrology to relate well to who I am or what's going on in my life. Tibetan astrology fits to a "T". That's just the way it is for me. I didn't believe in astrology until I came across Tibetan astrology. There's no denying the Tibetans are on to something.
    I'm like Dakini; I never believed in it either, until I had an unusual reading from a doctor/astrologer/lama. That made me wonder if there might be something to it, afterall. I'm still not convinced, but I can't imagine how they would get the detailed (and accurate) results they do.

  • Where's a good place to do this? Must I find a Tibetan monastery? Does it cost? Is it proper to just show up and ask for a reading?
  • edited January 2011
    It's the doctors (some ) who are the astrologers; the two disciplines are taught together in Tibetan institutes. But not all Tibetan doctors I've worked with offer astrology. You just have to get lucky and meet a doctor, and ask if they do astrology readings, or wait until a sangha near you brings a teacher who happens to be an astrologer. Some monks study both medicine and astrology, but choose to make one or the other their main, or exclusive, practice. That's been my observation. About cost; if they've come to teach in your sangha, they'll do it for free. I've always gotten my readings for free.
  • Maybe a dharma center has a resident astrologer who you could contact online, or maybe someone in India is available online. You never know until you do a search. It's amazing what's online today. Of course, anyone offering services online is probably charging.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Anyone an Astrologer on this board?
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