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Brag about your pet!

edited January 2011 in General Banter
Hi everyone,
following the discussion about "How to treat a dog", I thought it might be nice for those of us who have pets (or beloved working animals) to share about our animals. Non-animal lovers can quit the thread now! ;)

I have a black Labrador called Shadow. He's 6 years old, but prematurely grey on his muzzle. But he's very fit, and runs like a greyhound out of a trap. He is obsessed with birds - he was originally bred for competitive field-trialling, and is convinced that the wood pigeons in our plum tree are trying to invade his territory. Unfortunately, the cock pigeon has worked out he has wings, and my dog has not (despite his attempts to fly). So it sits on the wall and stares at him, winding him up.

Failing the ability to actually catch a bird (the only ones he's caught have been dead already), my dog enjoys the substitute of a tennis ball. But he lost them so often, I bought 50 tennis balls from Ebay. Since when he hasn't lost a single ball :)

My dog is soppy as heck, and affectionate to the point of daft. He fancies himself as a lap dog, which is a bit of a problem because he's all elbows and heavy! I hate him trying to lick me, but he keeps trying to sneak licks when he thinks I'm not paying attention.

Last night, I was fed up with him. He heard a hedgehog in the garden and was determined to hunt it. I thought he needed the toilet so let him out in the garden. He poked it with his nose and because it prickled, he acted like the hedgehog was dangerous. He didn't bark though - which is good at it was 2am. Afterwards, I got him in, went back to bed, and Shadow started running up and down stairs, excitedly panting, snorting, yawning ostentatiously and storming up and down stairs like a fairy elephant. I thought he was never going to calm down.

Today my mum is coming round with her dog, so that should help. Her dog is a retriever cross lab guide dog. He's about 3 years old and my mum's had her a year. Although he dog is great in harness, take the harness off and she's a sort of puppy again. Her and Shadow play-fight for hours, so he shouldn't be up at 2am tomorrow night.

My mum's old retired dog also comes round. She's my dad's dog now. She retired because she got really ill, and nearly died, but at 11 years old she seems to have rallied and now bounces around too, albeit not for hours like her younger companion.

We used to have loads of pets, but they've died off and I can't cope with more animals, so that's that.

Please share about your pets - gush as much as you like. I love reading about people's pets, the dafter the better (my dog is pretty daft, I can tell you).


  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited January 2011
    My Lulu is your basic Mk.1, Mod. A dog. A pound puppy of dubious parentage. But she's the best dog I've ever known. Calm, happy, gets along with everybody (except squirrels, but hey, she's a dog), loves kids, etc. She literally trained herself as a puppy. I never had to do anything with her, and she's got just about perfect manners. She's assertive when she needs to be, but deferential to me almost all the time (being her pack leader as I am). I only put her on a leash when it's required by circumstances. Otherwise she'll say right with me at all times, again with really no training on my part. She loves to ride in the car and hang her head out the window (what dog doesn't?), and positively *lives* to chase and retrieve a tennis ball. It's her obsession and her joy. She's smart as a whip - sometimes too smart for her own good. I feel bad, having moved to the city over the summer, that she doesn't get nearly as much exercise as she used to when we lived in the country. For her whole life she'd had the run of the mountain we lived on, and she's a very athletic girl. But she's had to adjust to being more of a house dog. Being in school full time I don't have the time I'd like to get her out and really work her (as she'd like too), but we try to do what we can. As all of my dogs have been, she's the light of my life, and makes each day a joy with her expressions and furiously wagging tail. I love the fact that her routine is so set - she knows exactly when it's breakfast and dinner time, down to the minute! All in all, she's a real love.

  • ToshTosh Veteran
    edited January 2011
    This is my little lad!



    He's extremely affectionate; a dog who loves everyone. He's frightened of cats and gives them a wide birth and his favourite game is chasing balls and squeaky toys. We think he's a cross between a corgi and a jack russel. You can get 'designer dogs' (which I don't agree with) of this mixture called a Cojack but we got him from the RSPCA.

    PS. Mountains, I use a photobucket site, upload the photos to there, then cut 'n' past the HTML Code (it appears when you put your cursor over the photo) into a post and your photo magically appears.
  • Well, as I said in the thread about where we sit in meditation, I of course have my good ole bud, Bob. :D

    Then there's there's the livewire Viszla of mine, Leo...
    who is in Christmas mode here.

    and finally Spike, my Main Koon, and Hope my little salt-and-pepper tripod of a cat who apparently is so sweet a local possum wanted a bite out of her and proceeded to maul one of her hind legs.

    Oddly enough, Hope is the only animal in the house Leo is actively afraid of and she stands about 1/3 his size. So, you can imagine the kind of comedy that ensues when a 50 lb. dog gives a wide berth to a 10 lb. cat hobbling around on three legs.
  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    Our labrador Barney is nearly 14, he's been with us for about 3 years. Originally we were supposed to look after him for a few months, but eventually he stayed.

    He's quite intelligent, but I'd say his most obvious character trait is extraordinary patience and calmness, to the point that I wonder if there's any trace of aggression in his mind - but of course he occasionally gets pissed off when younger dogs harrass him when he's out on a walk.

    He's also quite playful, and begs for food all the time, sometimes he's like a hoover in the kitchen looking for food. He's quite old now and has a few health problems - like a habit of licking his paws until they're raw, so we have to keep a collar on him a lot of the time.

    He's loved by local kids but sometimes tends to bark at some of them for no reason.

    But of course the most extraordinary thing about him is that he had a very good karma to be blessed by the Buddha's relics during recent Maitreya tour in Europe!
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