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Mindfulness - The Buddhist Panacea

edited January 2011 in General Banter
I've just been thinking recently that mindfulness can cure any suffering, physical or otherwise. All it takes is a constant observation of the six senses without evaluation, with equanimity, without craving or aversion and you are pretty much an arahant, easier said than done though. For the past few days I've tried to maintain mindfulness constantly, no matter what I'm doing, it seems tough but it is kind of becoming second nature.

I remember reading something about neuroplasticity recently, the Buddhist brain physically changes in the part dealing with gamma brain waves, waves dealing with combining the senses into one, long time mediators produce a much higher frequency of gamma waves than normal people.


  • I've just been thinking recently that mindfulness can cure any suffering, physical or otherwise. All it takes is a constant observation of the six senses without evaluation, with equanimity, without craving or aversion and you are pretty much an arahant, easier said than done though. For the past few days I've tried to maintain mindfulness constantly, no matter what I'm doing, it seems tough but it is kind of becoming second nature.

    without doubt you are in the right path

    being a monk or not doesn't make much difference to continue this type of

    only difference that make is you have to earn your living while monk depends on lay people's support

    mindfulness with clear comprehension are the key words in practice

  • Nothing is a panacea. Mindfulness is just part of the path. It's not an express elevator to nirvana by any means.
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