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Music with buddhistic influences

edited January 2011 in General Banter
I've always been a huge fan of music, eventhough it's not according to the precepts I don't mind listening to music. I learn a lot from it and seeing as I still consider learning good I will continue to do so.

Do you know any songs that have buddhistic influences?

I was just listening to "The Sheila Divine - Wanting is Wasted" and thought, hmm, this could be influenced by Buddhism.

you fill her thoughts with gold
when have-nots kill their foes
this wanting is wasted
we're not them
this wanting is wasted

on holiday
spent with style in rome
you turn your own headstone
this wanting is wasted
we're not them

and we all need the same ourselves
to feel noble and reign a throne

chariot, take me far from this
the envy and arrogance
this wanting is wasted
we're not them
this wanting is wasted

and we all need the same ourselves
to feel noble and reign a throne
Also Radiohead - Pyramid Song seems very influenced.

I jumped in the river and what did I see?
Black-eyed angels swam with me
A moon full of stars and astral cards
AND All the figures I used to see
All my lovers were there with me
All my past and futures
And we all went to heaven in a little row boat
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

I jumped into the river
Black-eyed angels swam with me
A moon full of stars and astral cards
AND All the figures i used to see

All my lovers were there with me
All my past and futures
And we all went to heaven in a little row boat
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
Obviously these songs don't represent Buddhism or aren't Buddhistic in nature - they even have christian influences aswell -, but they're influenced by it and Pyramid Song is actually of the songs that influenced me in such a way to look into Buddhism. Does anybody else know songs like this?


  • most Tool songs, late Samael... Can't Stop of RHCP has influences. some Therion, but it is mostly indian-general (example: yugas), celtic (so to speak) and a few native-american (quetzalcoatl, 13th baktun) and kabalah/gnostic. NiN's Only. Book of Kin's Syntropic Syntactix has some influences.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran

    The Pixies- "Where is my mind?"

    With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
    Try this trick and spin it, yeah
    Your head will collapse
    But there's nothing in it
    And you'll ask yourself

    Where is my mind?

    Way out in the water
    See it swimmin'?

    I was swimmin' in the Caribbean
    Animals were hiding behind the rocks
    Except the little fish
    But they told me, he swears
    Tryin' to talk to me, coy koi.

    Where is my mind?

    Way out in the water
    See it swimmin'?

    With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
    Try this trick and spin it, yeah
    Your head will collapse
    If there's nothing in it
    And you'll ask yourself

    Where is my mind?
  • chariramacharirama Veteran
    edited January 2011
    "All Things Must Pass" by George Harrison.

    The song itself gives several examples of the temporary nature of all phenomena and the album contains other songs that seem to have a Buddhist influence as well as dealing with Krishna Consciousness.

    Sunrise doesn't last all morning,
    a cloudburst doesn't last all day.
    Seems my love is up
    and has left you with no warning.
    It's not always going to be this grey.

    All things must pass,
    all things must pass away.

    Sunset doesn't last all evening,
    a mind can blow those clouds away.
    after all this my love is up
    and must be leaving.
    It's not always going to be this grey.

    All things must pass,
    all things must pass away.

    All things must pass
    none of life's strings can last.
    So I must be on my way,
    face another day.

    Darkness only stays at nighttime,
    in the morning it will fade away.
    Daylight has a habit of arriving at the right time.
    It's not always going to be this grey.

    All things must pass,
    all things must pass away.
    All things must pass,
    all things must pass away.
  • There's an album called Jamste. It has some prayers and meditation chants, at least one with the Dalai lama chanting.
  • I would recommend cd by Steve Vai - Sex and Religion. Also the artwork is great in the original cd. I think there also are some songs that draw from Buddhism like the first track - Here and Now.
  • Aaaah some very nice songs inthere :) I'll listen to the ones I don't know asap. :D
    Even some songs I know but didn't see the buddhistic influence until now ^^
    most Tool songs, late Samael... Can't Stop of RHCP has influences. some Therion, but it is mostly indian-general (example: yugas), celtic (so to speak) and a few native-american (quetzalcoatl, 13th baktun) and kabalah/gnostic. NiN's Only. Book of Kin's Syntropic Syntactix has some influences.
    Talking about NiN, I find that "a warm place" plays very weird tricks on my mood. I can't really define what kind of feeling I get when I listen to it but it's something very specific, kinda how I get that everything is impermanent, if you look at it one way (with attachment) it's very sad but on the other hand when you remove the attachment it's oh so beautiful (words come short here). Anybody else has that with that song? :)

  • Some System of a Down songs.
    The Ramones - "I wanna walk right out of this world, coz everybody has a poisoned heart".
    Oh, and Tool - Sober is just being shown on Video Hits as I'm writing this... spooky... I was listening to Tool the night of the 9/11 bombings: "The only way to fix it is to flush it all away"! The next day I woke up watching planes fly into the twin towers. Very surreal...
  • Third Eye - Tool (extract)

    "Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves."

    "And wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye.

    In... Out... In... Out... In... Out...

    A child's rhyme stuck in my head.
    It said that life is but a dream.
    I've spent so many years in question
    to find I've known this all along."

    "Shroud-ing all the ground around me
    Is this holy crow above me.
    Black as holes within a memory
    And blue as our new second sun.
    I stick my hand into his shadow
    To pull the pieces from the sand.
    Which I attempt to reassemble
    To see just who I might have been.
    I do not recognize the vessel,
    But the eyes seem so familiar.
    Like phosphorescent desert buttons
    Singing one familiar song..."

    "Prying open my third eye.
    So good to see you once again.
    I thought that you were hiding.
    And you thought that I had run away.
    Chasing the tail of dogma.
    I opened my eye and there we were.

    So good to see you once again
    I thought that you were hiding from me.
    And you thought that I had run away.
    Chasing a trail of smoke and reason.

    Prying open my third eye"
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Beautiful :)
  • The Beastie Boys- Bodhisattva Vow

    As I Develop The Awakening Mind I Praise The Buddhas As They Shine
    I Bow Before You As I Travel My Path To Join Your Ranks,
    I Make My Full Time Task
    For The Sake Of All Beings I Seek
    The Enlighted Mind That I Know I'll Reap
    Respect To Shantideva And All The Others
    Who Brought Down The Dharma For Sisters And Brothers
    I Give Thanks For This World As A Place To Learn
    And For This Human Body That I Know I've Earned
    And My Deepest Thanks To All Sentient Beings
    For Without Them There Would Be No Place To Learn What I'm Seeing
    There's Nothing Here That's Not Been Said Before
    But I Put It Down Now So I'll Be Sure
    To Solidify My Own Views And I'll Be Glad If It Helps
    Anyone Else Out Too

    If Others Disrespect Me Or Give Me Flack
    I'll Stop And Think Before I React
    Knowing That They're Going Through Insecure Stages
    I'll Take The Opportunity To Exercise Patience
    I'll See It As A Chance To Help The Other Person
    Nip It In The Bud Before It Can Worsen
    A Change For Me To Be Strong And Sure
    As I Think On The Buddhas Who Have Come Before
    As I Praise And Respect The Good They've Done
    Knowing Only Love Can Conquer In Every Situation
    We Need Other People In Order To Create
    The Circumstances For The Learning That We're Here To Generate
    Situations That Bring Up Our Deepest Fears
    So We Can Work To Release Them Until They're Cleared
    Therefore, It Only Makes Sense
    To Thank Our Enemies Despite Their Intent

    The Bodhisattva Path Is One Of Power And Strength
    A Strength From Within To Go The Length
    Seeing Others Are As Important As Myself
    I Strive For A Happiness Of Mental Wealth
    With The Interconnectedness That We Share As One
    Every Action That We Take Affects Everyone
    So In Deciding For What A Situation Calls
    There Is A Path For The Good For All
    I Try To Make My Every Action For That Highest Good
    With The Altruistic Wish To Achieve Buddhahood
    So I Pledge Here Before Everyone Who's Listening
    To Try To Make My Every Action For The Good Of All Beings
    For The Rest Of My Lifetimes And Even Beyond
    I Vow To Do My Best To Do No Harm
    And In Times Of Doubt I Can Think On The Dharma
    And The Enlightened Ones Who've Graduated Samsara
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