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We are the Future?

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited January 2011 in Buddhism Today
People. Mainly people under 21. Yeah, most of them I dislike with great intensity. Why? Well, because of the way they act.

1) They care only of sensual pleasures. They do not care about trying to stop suffering, or wondering about the unknown, or trying to make the world a better place. They don't care about repercussions about what they do. They are selfish, materialistic assholes.

2) They are BORING. They act the same, all of them. They all follow the same social norms, act very predictably, and don't think for themselves at all. They are robots, zombies, mindless creatures. They do the same meaningless things every day and repeat. They strive for nothing, not even happiness.

3) THEY DON'T THINK FOR THEMSELVES. They are following what their parents tell them, or teachers, or other authority figures without question. If they are told Jesus is real, then they will believe it without question! If they are told pot is evil, they believe it. If they are told heavy metal music is Satan's music, they believe it! They don't think for themselves.

4) They don't care about trying the make the world a better place or our future. Everyone wants to be a football player, a singer, an actress, a famous slut, or whatever. How the hell does this contribute positively the the human race whatsoever? Sure, its part of our "culture," but have you SEEN what our culture consists of?!

5) They are just ASSHOLES. They are mean to anybody different, or anybody ugly, or anybody with any kind of fault. They aren't caring or compassionate. They care about nothing but their own sensual, materialistic, selfish pleasures.

And this is what I see on daily basis. Sure, not all people are like this, but many many many people are.

God, if this is really what we are turning out to be as Americans, we're in trouble. Hell, if we are the future, we're screwed. Prepare for Super Bush.



  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited January 2011
    What choice do they have? If they are exposed to the right conditions they will change; if they had been previously, they wouldn't be the way they are now. We are the product of the world and our interactions within the world. Hating people because they don't see the truth isn't very fruitful. In fact, since they are so blind we should have the compassion to know their suffering... and that they may be far from finding peace. The only way to end the arising of such is to change ourselves and our world, that better conditions may prevail for the "future".
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Exposed to right conditions? WHAT RIGHT CONDITIONS? I've been exposed to the same kind of life as them. I just decided to think for myself.
  • I presume you are talking of USA citizens.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Ever hear of nature vs. nurture etc.? Even without Buddhism it's pretty obvious that children develop differently based on genetics, environment and how they are raised. Every little thing plays a part. We mostly take to how our parents, teachers and society in general condition us. If we're born to Christian parents, we would more easily be conditioned to belief in such things unless something more powerful comes up. What we learn as children has a major impact because our minds are more malleable at that time; it's difficult to change your ways drastically after this period.

    Some people think this process stops and we grow up, but it never does. We're still developing to some degree the same way we were as children. The conditioning of our past has flowed right into the present moment and continues on; there was no "growing up". We're still that same child after much conditioning... many life experiences and thoughts.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    My parents are very against the fact I am an Atheist. They never did anything to provoke my intrigue in other religions. I grew up no differently. My dad grew up in a hard-working "farmer" family, and my mother grew up as a catholic and worked from job to job. Not the brightest people. Very un-understanding. Yet, I'm very different. Why is this? Simply because I am.
  • Your generalizations are frustrating and simply false. I'm not going to dignify them with more of a response then that.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited January 2011
    MG, even two brothers (even identical twins!) can end up differently early on or later. It's amazing you don't see that (no offense); I've never encountered anyone who thought everyone else should be the same as they are. Maybe people that thought other people would be better off thinking their way, but not that it's unnatural that other people think differently...

    Conditionality is the heart of understanding how we're the way we are, and how to change. Cause and effect. Karma, if you will. It's even said that karma is the reason children are born in such conditions, with good or bad characteristics such as poor eyesight or being musically inclined (and so on).
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    My generalizations are based on what I see 5 out of 7 days of the week for 180 days a year. Maybe its just Pennsylvania, but its what I see, hear, and experience.
  • 2) They are BORING.

    5) They are just ASSHOLES.
    Not a bad score, really. At least two of their five qualities are similar to me.

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Dhamma Dhatu, you're not boring. An asshole, yes, but not boring.

    And of course most, if not all, people on this site are excluded from the list simply because these people seem interesting and think for themselves (though many are assholes, but so am I). I'm talking about the people who aren't that.
  • edited January 2011
    Normally at this age group, they are aimless, nothing worthy of them to possess and put them in perspective, they did not aware of their lovely true self and others. Nothing to alarm of, because they were not exposed to right conditions :D
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    So, you are saying that all people under 21 were always like this and they shall change when they're older?
  • edited January 2011
    It never a generalized perspective, just in response to mainly people under 21 :eek2: that are not aware of true nature.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited January 2011
    >People. Mainly people under 21. Yeah, most of them I dislike with great intensity. Why? Well, because of the way they act.

    People act that way because of ignorance and the fact that they have this ignorance means that they are deserving of compassion. Can you really blame someone for being ignorant? I don't think you can.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    "What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions.
    Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"

    Plato. 345BC.

    Maybe that will convince you that what you complain of has been a source of complaint for millennia.
    Follow Ghandi's advice:

    "Be the change you want to see, in the world."
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    i was probably the majority of the things you mentioned when i was younger and you know what... i suffered a lot because of it. while i do not view many of those attributes as positive things, i have compassion for teenagers because imho... it sure sucks.
  • i was probably the majority of the things you mentioned when i was younger and you know what... i suffered a lot because of it. while i do not view many of those attributes as positive things, i have compassion for teenagers because imho... it sure sucks.
    I'm with you on that Zgirl.I thought my life was being discussed in the OP.
    With metta,
    Phra Greg

  • I'm 19, and I disagree :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    TJ - if I thought you were serious instead of just being contentious, I'd wipe the floor with you.
    As it is, I just think you're being facetious.
    Which has its place of course.

  • edited January 2011
    MG, I don't know who you're hanging out with, but ya gotta get yourself a new crowd. Lots of teens and young adults are into contributing to their community or the world, thinking for themselves, iconoclastic. Maybe not where you're living, I don't know. Did you ever post a "Buddhists Wanted" poster? You might find some freethinkers, if you do that. I bet somewhere in your community and/or its environs, there are closet malcontents, like you, saying the same thing. Find them.

    P.S. Is your girlfriend like all the rest you describe? If not, then your statement, "they're all......" isn't true. Unless you include her and yourself in that statement. :D
  • edited January 2011
    TJ - if I thought you were serious instead of just being contentious, I'd wipe the floor with you.
    As it is, I just think you're being facetious.
    Which has its place of course.

    Of course you would. Clearly you are the all-knowing of this forum. Very humble too.
  • Comments?
    I guarantee you can find a virtually identical text written in, oh, say about 1886. Then another one written in, oh, say about 1910. And another (for sure) in the 1950s. And DEFINITELY another one in the 1970s.

    Is this new? Why are you grousing?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Of course you would. Clearly you are the all-knowing of this forum. Very humble too.
    Was that called for? What do you mean by that?

    What IS your problem?

    You're barely "out of nappies" and already you know it all.
    Talk about humility.
    Youth is wasted on the young.

    It really isn't a good idea to sass your elders.
    Your new-found illumination has left your manners wanting....
    I'm old enough to be your mother. :shake:
  • edited January 2011
    "i'd wipe the floor with you." Yea, I'm the one who needs to work on my manners. Give respect to get respect.
  • edited January 2011
    I'm 19, and I disagree :)
    Did someone misunderstand TJ's comment? All he's saying is that he's one teen who doesn't fit MG's description. Why is this a problem? I thought it was a good comment. There are plenty of teens/young adults who don't fit MG's perception, it's just a matter of finding them. I know MG lives in a small, homogeneous community, which could be part of the problem. But I hope MG isn't beginning to slide back into a depressive episode, because the OP and further comments do have a bit of that tone to them.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    "i'd wipe the floor with you." Yea, I'm the one who needs to work on my manners. Give respect to get respect.
    come come now, fede was just joking :)
  • <
    What IS your problem?

    You're barely "out of nappies" and already you know it all.
    Talk about humility.
    Youth is wasted on the young.

    It really isn't a good idea to sass your elders.
    Your new-found illumination has left your manners wanting....
    I'm old enough to be your mother. :shake:
    Part of the problem stems from an attitude that develops during online gaming. There seems to be a disconnect between the character and the real person behind the keyboard. It has kind of an illusionary, equalizing aspect to it. Age has no bearing on skill. One also seems to develop a total disregard for the feelings of other players. That was my experience from playing World of Warcraft anyway. Could be all wrong.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    i was probably the majority of the things you mentioned when i was younger and you know what... i suffered a lot because of it. while i do not view many of those attributes as positive things, i have compassion for teenagers because imho... it sure sucks.
    I'm with you on that Zgirl.I thought my life was being discussed in the OP.
    With metta,
    Phra Greg

    high five! we were horrible teenagers!

    lol, i swear, sometimes i feel like i'm still not done making it up to my mother... poor woman.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    I do not think you people noticed the times when I said, "most" and "Sure, not all people are like this, but many many many people are." Yes, a lot of people aren't like this, but even more people are! But according to Plato, its been like this for thousands of years.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Compassionate_Warrior, No, I knew he was using his youth as a "contra-joke". In other words, it was irony, he was being funny, and I knew this....
    I did say IF I THOUGHT HE HAD BEEN SERIOUS - I would have admonished him for not quantifying and at least elaborating. In any case, his mentioning his age, and disagreeing, was amusing, but maybe not entirely the right time or place. Sometimes a discussion needs to remain on track. But more sound judgement sometimes comes with age..... (And I emphasise the 'sometimes'.)

    Then, he got sarcastic and frankly, I don't believe it was called for.

    I think that's all that needs to be said.... :)

  • Why are you grousing?
    Maybe you haven't read MindGate's other posts, or maybe your teen years were different, but it should be obvious; MG can't find anyone to hang out with (other than his GF) who shares his values. That's very difficult as a teen. He feels isolated. Why is this difficult to grasp? For now, all he has is his girlfriend, and us. So let's rise to the occasion, and try to give him a hand.

  • menocomprende what's going on
  • And be at one with people, even if they're different. Their values are no worse then yours. They're just different. They have reason for being how they are, just like you have reason for being how you are. Try to see the humanity in them, the sameness, rather than the difference. Because there is so much similarity between people. Even things that are vastly different stem from the same innate humanity.

  • MG, what about some of the suggestions we made before; there was some good stuff on the other thread. For now, until you find some kindred spirits, you'll have to be your own light, an independent person. Get support where you can find it, and occupy your mind (I recall a suggestion about taking an online college course on Buddhism or Comparative Religion). In any case, we're here for you.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Why are you grousing?
    Maybe you haven't read MindGate's other posts, or maybe your teen years were different, but it should be obvious; MG can't find anyone to hang out with (other than his GF) who shares his values. That's very difficult as a teen. He feels isolated. Why is this difficult to grasp? For now, all he has is his girlfriend, and us. So let's rise to the occasion, and try to give him a hand.

    oh! for some reason, i thought he was older.

    *grumbles* darn mature acting teenagers.....

    also MG, i don't know where you're from, but the place i grew up was a horrible little sort of town with ONE mentality and ONE religion and ONE color, lol. at the time, it seemed to me that the entire world was full of hateful close minded jerks, but when i got a little older and moved out, i realized... it was actually the OTHER way around. i also noticed that a lot of the people whom gave me such a hard time growing up, actually became quite liberal and open minded once they moved out of our town as well.

    sometimes, it's just easier to go with the flow. a lot of people don't know what to think about themselves during the teen years, so they just try and fit in as best as possible. don't be mad at others for not being as strong in character as you are, keep your head high and do the best that you can to be true to yourself. perhaps you can inspire others to do the same.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Yeah, we have a few of those on this site! Journey was chiming in, as a fellow teen. I love the age diversity we have here, myself.

    Whadoyousay, folks, if we just take people's comments at face value, instead of reading things into the posts that aren't there? If we go around second-guessing people's intent, we'll guarantee communications meltdowns, hurt feelings, and confusion. ( :rolleyes: sheesh!)

    Anyway, nice to see the discussion get on-topic. Maybe some of you didn't know MindGate was 15? I like your compassion, ZombieGirl, though, personally, I disagree with you on one point. Maybe fitting in worked for you; doesn't for everyone.

    I think it's not always possible to fit in; one can't twist oneself into a pretzel and try to be someone one is not. Don't Buddhists tend more towards being loners, anyway, because their values don't fit with the societal norm? What MG is going through is normal for many, I know it was for me. There's a great Rhinoceros Suttra that describes how one should be true to oneself, have the strength to do that, and be grateful for the occasional kindred spirit who comes along.

    Hang in there, MG; times will change. Somewhere there must be other misfits you might get along with? Who knows, maybe there are some renegades among the older people in your community you've overlooked.

  • People. Mainly people under 21. Yeah, most of them I dislike with great intensity. Why? Well, because of the way they act.

    1) They care only of sensual pleasures. They do not care about trying to stop suffering, or wondering about the unknown, or trying to make the world a better place. They don't care about repercussions about what they do. They are selfish, materialistic assholes.

    2) They are BORING. They act the same, all of them. They all follow the same social norms, act very predictably, and don't think for themselves at all. They are robots, zombies, mindless creatures. They do the same meaningless things every day and repeat. They strive for nothing, not even happiness.

    3) THEY DON'T THINK FOR THEMSELVES. They are following what their parents tell them, or teachers, or other authority figures without question. If they are told Jesus is real, then they will believe it without question! If they are told pot is evil, they believe it. If they are told heavy metal music is Satan's music, they believe it! They don't think for themselves.

    4) They don't care about trying the make the world a better place or our future. Everyone wants to be a football player, a singer, an actress, a famous slut, or whatever. How the hell does this contribute positively the the human race whatsoever? Sure, its part of our "culture," but have you SEEN what our culture consists of?!

    5) They are just ASSHOLES. They are mean to anybody different, or anybody ugly, or anybody with any kind of fault. They aren't caring or compassionate. They care about nothing but their own sensual, materialistic, selfish pleasures.

    And this is what I see on daily basis. Sure, not all people are like this, but many many many people are.

    God, if this is really what we are turning out to be as Americans, we're in trouble. Hell, if we are the future, we're screwed. Prepare for Super Bush.

    Mindgate, I hope you're feeling better by now. Once you get over your bad mood, you should sit down and realize every bit of this is in your own head.

    I look around and see a young generation that, for the most part, couldn't care less if black and white want to dance together, date or marry. More and more of them couldn't care less if someone is gay.

    This generation so desperately wants an education that they're willing to take on a crushing debt to get it, and then they're told by rich old white men in power that the world can't afford to pay them a living wage anymore. They're faced with a world struggling under the stress of our civilizations and have to watch the same old farts who promised them a better world stick them with the burden of pulling off a miracle.

    I know about a dozen young men and women personally, and they're all just people. They're no better or worse than the people of our generation, when we were that young.

  • 19 is a good age to start practicing meditation (in areas were there's few buddhists).
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran

    Anyway, nice to see the discussion get on-topic. Maybe some of you didn't know MindGate was 15? I like your compassion, ZombieGirl, though, personally, I disagree with you on one point. Maybe fitting in worked for you; doesn't for everyone.

    I think it's not always possible to fit in; one can't twist oneself into a pretzel and try to be someone one is not. Don't Buddhists tend more towards being loners, anyway, because their values don't fit with the societal norm? What MG is going through is normal for many, I know it was for me. There's a great Rhinoceros Suttra that describes how one should be true to oneself, have the strength to do that, and be grateful for the occasional kindred spirit who comes along.

    Hang in there, MG; times will change. Somewhere there must be other misfits you might get along with? Who knows, maybe there are some renegades among the older people in your community you've overlooked.

    oh, no, i didn't mean to imply that fitting in WORKS. i was just trying to explain why others tend to do so. fitting in never worked for me, i was extremely unhappy until i learned how to be my self and not worry so much about what others thought. ...and then i was even happier when i learned that there was no self, lol. funny that.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Work towards developing the job skills etc (overcome economic barrier) to get you somewhere where you are happier and among interesting people? Or just be a hermit like me :) Or just start drinking with the other people and they will seem much cooler, but that has big negatives down the road.

    Deal with it as best as you can. Your not as alone as you feel. You just have to find the right people and treat the other nitwits with self-defense yet not make things worse by aggravating, and anger aggression.

    Be happy you have a girlfriend. Aside from family I can't count that many people I was particularly understood by on one or maybe two hands. I did have a kind family though so that was good.

    Also it might be hard for some people to understand because experiences are different in different communities. I mean people on the forum might not understand. For example I was raised in a very conservative community, but although the religious views were different there were very many 'outcasts' to meet and enough kind people in the popular kids who treated me with a bit of kindness. So maybe the conservativism in my local school had a more kind heart than in your community? And it was a conservative urban environment which is probably totally different automatic. Move to a city when you are older there are plenty of interesting people though the modern world isolates people and if you are very shy it might not help much. Plus a city is just a different flavor of disaster than the country or wherever you are from. Its samsara of many flavors. So buddhism is a good pursuit wherever you are because it is dealing with the real problem.

    Or just a thought is that you yourself need a developement of awareness and social skills or whatever is needed to have peace in your environment. Or at least some degree of peace. A friend makes a big difference because we need genuine heart connections to feel ok. If you are suffering you are not alone there are others that feel suffering due to a lack of heart signals with their community. I have experienced that myself, and have overcome a lot of the suffering. One skill was to know I was not alone in my suffering.

    Also its an ages and stages thing to some degree. At different ages people have various typical problems. But its a generalization and a trend and not everybody fits the pattern.
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