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Don't feel like doing much anymore?

edited January 2011 in General Banter
Since graduating from high school i really do not feel like doing much of anything anymore. I feel i should have a more active social life than i do. I do get invited to things pretty regularly, but i just don't feel like doing anything but laying around. I work a full time job atm while i do some things that need to be done and would only hinder my college work. Does anyone else feel/felt this way? I really have no urge to hang out with anyone anymore.


  • edited January 2011
    what are your travel plans? twould just go on a journey.......!
  • just explore this feeling of not wanting to do anything and find out what its source is
  • marijuana can make you fell that way, not accusing, just observing
  • BarraBarra soto zennie wandering in a cloud in beautiful, bucolic Victoria BC, on the wacky left coast of Canada Veteran
    John - WHERE in his msg did it say anything about taking drugs?? The guy has a case of the mid winter blues. Its normal. Don't sweat it. Other people have posted in other threads about feeling this way. As soon as the weather clears up it will go away.
  • edited January 2011
    like i said im not accusing but marijuana can cause apathy and laziness, i should know i used to be an addict. sincerely john
  • If you had to write it down, what would it be? What do you do (now)? Just the things you actually do.

    I ask because it sounds like you are describing the things that you do not do, and it occurs to me to second-check.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    John - WHERE in his msg did it say anything about taking drugs?? The guy has a case of the mid winter blues. Its normal. Don't sweat it. Other people have posted in other threads about feeling this way. As soon as the weather clears up it will go away.
    Yea, sunshine will help!
    A lot of people out and enjoying the weather!:)
  • I dont smoke pot.

    I hope these are effects from the mid winter blues. :)

    Things that i do do would be playing games, working a full time job, and relaxing watching TV.

  • Probably a lot of energy is taken with a full time job on top of college. You would probably have to start doing cocaine to also have a big social life. If you have a couple of friends to occasionally spend quality time it would probably be more benefitial than parties though maybe thats not what you mean.
  • Im sorry i should have made it clearer i currently dont go to college. Im working a full time job so i can have a smaller debt when i do start college :)
  • I feel lethargic in much the same manner. I wonder if it actually has to do with any chemical imbalance in the body? or a result of any notable weight gain? Either way a visit with the doctor couldn't hurt. Other than all the poking around and the stolid looks.....

  • What are your plans for after highschool? Have you applied to college? Sounds like you haven't. Mind if I ask, why not? No wonder you're a bit aimless, no direction in life. Can you fill out the picture for us a little? It's hard to respond without a clearer picture of your situation.
  • ravkesravkes Veteran
    edited January 2011
    Nothin' wrong with being lazy bro. As long as you can keep a job, go to college and generally not be a burden on anybody you're straight. I love being lazy whenever possible, it's my passion. :)
  • Seems like I've had this problem over the years of my life, too. People would be nice in life, like not only social times, but also to meet someone as a significant other and maybe a family.

    I had great social times in the years when I had roommates and was going to school. Years later, I met my significant other on the Internet, of all things. I think I ended up going with the dharma instead, but I think that relationship meant a lot to me.

    I don't know what anybody's solution is. I think people can be very enlightening, because they can really kick your ass. I lost so much personal self with verifiable neurosis all around. Nutty family too. My face can go like a punching bag - bada da dada ba dada ba dada.

    I am reminded of moving to NC years ago, for work. I remember almost joining a church group for friends. I remember a co-worker almost doing the same thing. Jeesh.
  • edited January 2011
    WOW. Hey kid. I'm just a guy on the internet but I'd give anything to be in your shoes! I'm approaching middle age and all I can see now is how much you have ahead of you and how lucky you are. My just-a-guy-on-the-internet advice? Get help (not from guys in white coats :D ) but from your colleges councilors, study skills (yes!, everybody can benefit from their services) advisors, family mentors, volunteer mentors, I dunno..., I'm guessing there're people out there who would be delighted assist and can tell you how avoid pitfalls they've experienced themselves or seen others fall into! You can do it alone (like I did) but I wish I took advantage of the people who were just a "phone call" away who were more than willing to help a college kid get their life track! BTW, we've all had our share of cr*ppy jobs. believe me it gets better. :thumbsup:
  • Thanks a lot for all the input guys.

    I am not going to college right now because i wanted to save up a bit of money before i started as well as give myself some time to think about what i want to do with my life...still have little idea. Id like to live in a modest house with a family in a good neighborhood and work a job that i do not hate. (Who doesn't right?)I just have little idea on how to get to that destination.

    I plan to start forcing myself to do more things. Practice the piano more and go out with my friends more.
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