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Exercise from scratch at home?

JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
edited January 2011 in General Banter
Anyone know a resource (book) for finding exercises at home? I was shoveling the snow and I got a shaky arms and hands afterwards. I thought it was Parkinsons like things from my meds but my doctor said it was probably from muscle fatigue and that I should keep my muscles fit.

So the book would have to be appropriate from a beginner and not someone in the culture of super athletes. Just someone maintaining health.



  • You can't go wrong with push-ups and sit-ups as a starting point. Just a few per day at first, then more. It won't take long to see results.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    What about Yoga muscle building exercises?
    That is what I do.
    I suggest Google images for Yoga or Yoga muscle building exercises or something.
  • NomaDBuddhaNomaDBuddha Scalpel wielder :) Bucharest Veteran
    Anyone know a resource (book) for finding exercises at home? I was shoveling the snow and I got a shaky arms and hands afterwards. I thought it was Parkinsons like things from my meds but my doctor said it was probably from muscle fatigue and that I should keep my muscles fit.

    So the book would have to be appropriate from a beginner and not someone in the culture of super athletes. Just someone maintaining health.

    I don't know a book, but I know what a coach from my former basketball training recommended me: fill some 2 litre bottles (two) with sand and try lifting those weights until you get tired.
    I know how shoveling the snow is, and yes, that was muscle fatigue

  • Thanks those are some sound ideas. Everyone.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    What about Yoga muscle building exercises?
    That is what I do.
    I suggest Google images for Yoga or Yoga muscle building exercises or something.
    pushups and situps are good, but they only target specific muscle groups. for a more rounded workout routine, try incorporating even some simple yoga poses. with yoga, you'll affect muscles you didn't even know you had, haha.
  • Actually I was starting to read about Yoga in Jon Kabatt Zinn book, so maybe that can be at least an intro to get aquainted with yoga. Not sure if it has the type of workout needed.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    Actually I was starting to read about Yoga in Jon Kabatt Zinn book, so maybe that can be at least an intro to get aquainted with yoga. Not sure if it has the type of workout needed.
    yoga may not be a "workout" in that it is not an aerobic activity. however, it is great for strength training because when you do the poses, you hold them. the very weight of your body can be a lot more than you think, lol. this is why they say that yoga is a "toning" activity. it is good for gaining basic strength, but obviously, if you're looking to gain serious muscle mass, yoga is not the place.
  • No I am just concerned with muscle health. I was just wondering if Zinn's presentation of yoga would be more relaxation technique, and not have so much exertion. Thanks though it is a good direction for me to investigate. I might try a few push ups and sit ups too. And many opportunities to shovel snow in 2 minute intervals with a lot of potato chips in breaks haha (broke my spam rule oh no)!
  • GlowGlow Veteran
    I've worked out every day using heavy weights for the last fifteen years and shoveling snow even leaves ME tired, lol. It taxes both your strength and aerobic capacities, and it uses your muscles in an unusual way in an unusual posture.

    One more thing: Muscle twitching can be a sign that you are lacking in electrolytes. Something like Gatorade or similar sports drink can help replenish what your body loses. It has a lot of sugar, but if you stick to the suggested serving size (usually a third or half of the bottle) and are burning a lot of calories anyway, it's not a huge concern.
  • A good manual work ethic should do the trick. Like engaging in some gardening or landscaping. If unable to do so, I would think some light Martial Arts and weight training might be fun enough without the dullness. Even a good game console with a fitness or dance-pad program.

  • Yeah I hadn't been eating good. I was eating like a thin crust frozen pizza in two days and a muffin and 2 oranges + 1/2 gallon of apple juice. I'm going to try the yoga once I get up to it in Zinn Cds. Also push ups and sit ups and being careful with the shoveling (not too much).
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