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edited January 2011 in Buddhism Basics
I'm a new member in here so I'm not quite good in critical thinking in Buddhism. I hope all of you can help me answer some questions that i have.
1- what can you say about the historical dates of the Buddha Siddhattha Gotama? why is it important to pay attention to it?
2- what can you tell about the cultural and religious context in which the Buddha lived?
3- what are the oldest sources that describe the life and teachings of the Buddha? how did these sources come into being?
4- what personal characteristics are attributed to the Buddha in these sources?
5- what is an arhat and arahat?
6- what was roughly the social position of women in the time of the Buddha?
7- what can you tell about women and the early Buddhist songho?
8- how would you assess the Buddha's attitude toward women?
9- who is Asoka? for what reasons is he important in Buddhism?
10- how would you explain the first noble truth of the Buddha?
11- why did the historical Buddha hold that ignorance is the core root of wrong-doing?
12- can you give some different explanations of conditioned arising or dependent origination?
13- how would you explain the doctrine of anatta?
14- why did the Buddha remain silent to the question of Vacchagotta and on other issues?
15- what are in general the meanings of Dhamma?
16- what is the meaning of nibbana?
17- Discuss whether nibbana is a state of being in this life or not?
18- in what way is kamma in Buddhism different from kamma in Brahmanism?
19- explain what it means that "kamma is an impersonal,natural law that operates in accordance with our action's?
20- what is a better image for kamma?
21- how do kamma and nibbana relate to each other?
22- how would you explain the main point of discussion between the monk Nagasena and king Milinda?
23- explain some distinction characteristics of Mahayana Buddhism?
24- the Buddha was, to say the least, not really interested in rituals. why?
Thank you for all your answer!


  • Only 24 questions?
    And all simple ones like "what is the meaning of Nibbana".
  • too much focus on the historical the little i read of your post...
  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited January 2011
    First of all, welcome.

    1 & 2. I think it's important to consider the beliefs of the people at the time. So if you hear talk of rebirth and so on, consider it as something which resonated with people at the time. Basically, consider the message behind everything rather than getting hung up on the specifics.

    3. The Pali Canon is the oldest source. His teachings were passed down orally, so there's nothing actually written from his time. However, the Pali Canon is a collection of his teachings written down long after his death.

    4. Don't know and I don't think it matters. Buddha was merely a teacher. What we have now, and what is important, are the teachings.

    5. I don't care much for that aspect of Buddhism.

    6 & 7. Not the best, but better than within the rest of society. There was no absolute equality (and there is none today either), but things were moving towards it. As for the specifics, I have no idea, I don't think it's important.

    8. I wouldn't. Again, the teachings are important, not Buddha's favourite colour and what he liked for breakfast.

    9. Never heard of him.

    10. Life can be needlessly stressful. We worry about nothing and don't stop to appreciate the little thing.

    11. Try to see for yourself. Understanding this may very well mean enlightenment. When you can see how things arise, where they come from and what they lead to, you can observe your own unskilfull actions and trace the root cause of them... which, I think, is ultimately circular.

    12. Different to what?

    13. I am not that far along yet.

    14. I don't know that Vacchagotta is, but I know Buddha remained silent when he was asked to speculate. People asked for some sort of Ultimate Truth, when all he was trying to teach was origin and cessation of suffering.

    15. Dhamma the word or Dhamma the teachings? The general meaning of the teachings is the same as the meaning of the four noble truths.

    16. You're welcome to see it for yourself.

    17. I think so. It doesn't make sense to me otherwise.

    18. In Buddhism, nothing is predetermined. Not everything is a result of your karma. Sometimes, things just happen.

    19. Perhaps karma isn't directly linked to you or a property of what you do, it's just there. However, what we do interacts with it. It's just a primitive way of looking at cause and effect.

    20. Cause and effect and an open system.

    21. I don't see why it matters.

    22. The who and the what now?

    23. I prefer traditional Buddhism.

    24. Because they are counter-productive.

    You might get better answers if you elaborate on them. Why are you asking each of these questions? How would knowing other peoples' opinions matter? How does it help you?
  • I don't mean to be rude, but perhaps you'd be better off reading a book? Like for instance Walpola Rahula's "What the Buddha Taught". It's a Theraveda book, but very good generally, for Buddhists of any tradition.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2011
    If we do your homework/research for you do we get the marks? This is so obviously a set piece of homework....
    it's patently obvious you want us to do it for you. If i'm completely wrong, Pm me. I really would love to be Wrong."And of course, please assure me you're going to be a ready and regular contributor to the forum. If you come in regularly enough, these questions will all be answered. Good luck.
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