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I found another Buddhist!!

MakarovMakarov Explorer
edited December 2005 in Buddhism Basics
I just had to write and share my excitement with you all. I live in the Bible Belt City of Springfield, Missouri where Right-Wing Conservative Christians rule the roost. Even so, guess what?! I found 2 Buddhist lurking about!
Finally I located information on a local Sangha that meets once a week at our public library and have met with one of its semi-active members. Though she is not much more knowledgeable than I, it was a great relief just to know that I am not alone here in my beliefs.
But it gets even better! Two days ago I also stumbled purely by accident upon yet another Buddhist disguising herself as a Librarian! (that was sarcasm). I was printing copies of various things off the internet and as she was counting the pages to charge me for the copes she carefully remarked " I hope you don't think I was being nosey but I happened to notice you printed off some information about Buddhism." Befoe I knew it she was showing me all around our tiny library to discover some rarely sought after hidden gems like audio books, lectures, etc by The Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh and a "Great Courses" Lecture Series on Buddhism by Prof. M.D.Eckel. They even had a great many books available. She explained to me how most of the Library staff are not "natives" to the region and strive to quietly insure that alternative reading materials are available to those who do not march in step with the local majority. She was so kind and....a member of the Sangha I mentioned at he beginning of my post.
What a joy!


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited December 2005
    Mak, I'm personally delighted for you....
    people of any denomination, speaking openly and publicly (that word ALWAYS looks wrong when I see it - and yet, it's right!!) here in France is so rare as to be virtually unheard of....
    Plus, they all speak French, and even though I've lived here for six years now, I still miss speaking habitually in my Mother Tongue.....

    I'm thrilled you've found a 'solid connection' for your practise! :)
  • kinleekinlee Veteran
    edited December 2005
    It's great and wonderful! Rejoice.
  • XraymanXrayman Veteran
    edited December 2005
    You'd be surprised where buddhists hang out... shh there's one right over there...
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited December 2005

    Doesn't Yodamama live in Springfield?

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