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italian and spanish translations of the pali tripitaka

VincenziVincenzi Veteran
edited February 2011 in Philosophy
hi all.

i'm about to start learning sanskrit* this year. i will translate some sutras from the direct source to 3 languages: italian, spanish and english. in case there's already a direct translation it will be just (disputed i guess) corrections.

do anyone know of any translation of the pali tripitaka (even if it is from english) in italian or spanish? as far as i know, there is none.


*it is the closest to pali where i'm living now


  • will be really helpful if someone knows of any translation.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I think the fact that nobody has responded to your question is sufficient to tell you that nobody can respond to your question.
  • ...I guess there's no translations then.
  • maybe the people on the forum don't know about those things.. maybe contact a buddhist department at a university?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran

    1. Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Exalted One was travelling along the highway between Rājagaha and Nālandā together with a great company of bhikkhus, with about five hundred bhikkhus. At the same time the wanderer Suppiya was also travelling along the highway between Rājagaha and Nālandā together with his pupil, the youth Brahmadatta. Along the way, the wanderer Suppiya spoke in many ways in dispraise of the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha. But his pupil, the youth Brahmadatta, spoke in many ways in praise of the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha. Thus these two, teacher and pupil, followed closely behind the Exalted One and the company of bhikkhus, making assertions in direct contradiction to each other.


    1. Así he oído. En una ocasión el Sublime estaba viajando a lo largo de la carretera entre Rājagaha y Nalanda, junto con una gran compañía de monjes, con cerca de quinientos monjes. Al mismo tiempo, el vagabundo Suppiya también viajaba en la carretera entre Rājagaha y Nalanda, junto con su discípulo, el joven Brahmadatta. En el camino, el viajero Suppiya habló de muchas maneras en menosprecio del Buda, el Dharma y la Sangha. Sin embargo, su discípulo, el joven Brahmadatta, habló de muchas maneras en la alabanza del Buda, el Dharma y la Sangha. Así, estos dos, el maestro y el alumno, seguido de cerca detrás de la Sublime y la compañía de monjes, hacer afirmaciones en contradicción directa con los demás.


    1. So I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was traveling along the road between Rājagaha and Nalanda, along with a large company of monks, with around five hundred monks. At the same time, the tramp Suppiya also traveling on the road between Rājagaha and Nalanda, along with his disciple, the young Brahmadatta. Along the way, the traveler Suppiya spoke of many ways in contempt of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. However, his disciple, the young Brahmadatta spoke of many ways in praise of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Thus, these two, the teacher and the student, followed closely behind the Sublime and the company of monks, to make statements in direct contradiction with others.


    If you feel that, while translated back to English the second time, that the text still holds its own meanings, just use Google Translate to change the Pali Cannon into any language you want.
  • this is the Pali Tripitaka, not some random information I found on the net in a language I don't understand... machine translations are not appropriate.

    also, AFAIK there are sutras that have not yet being translated to any western language.
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