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Hello all....

StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
edited February 2011 in General Banter
Been awhile since I've been here. Since before the forum change over a couple of months ago actually. For some reason just kinda forgot about this place for a bit. So how is everyone? We're snowed in here, but beyond that things are just peachy.

Oh, by the way: I see my name was finally changed. I was Takeahnase. Static Toybox is the name of my ambient/drone music project, so I chose that for a new name.



    Hehe just kidding. Good to have you back! :)
  • Welcome back.

    As per your avatar, may the dude be with you.
  • BarraBarra soto zennie wandering in a cloud in beautiful, bucolic Victoria BC, on the wacky left coast of Canada Veteran
    I like the name Takeahnase. I don't know what it means, but it sounds like an Iroquois name.
    Good to have you back. We've been having a rollicking good time here in the Lounge, settling in to a groove, with interesting new visitors dropping by to shake things up!
  • The name StaticToybox makes me think of growing up and getting... *sniff*... no new toys! ;)
  • I like the name Takeahnase. I don't know what it means, but it sounds like an Iroquois name.
    Good to have you back. We've been having a rollicking good time here in the Lounge, settling in to a groove, with interesting new visitors dropping by to shake things up!
    Not sure what exactly the word itself means, but 'Takeahnase' is the title of a track from the album 'Souls At Zero' by Neurosis. I'm a huge fan of Neurosis and just happened to be listening to that song when I first signed up here, that's why I picked it. Nothing deep than that for my part.
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