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True selfishness is loneliness, true selflessness is togetherness

edited February 2011 in General Banter
So that's basically it. If you truly want to look out for yourself, then it is best to be a loner. That doesn't mean you can't be with people and do fun things, but ultimately you can only answer to yourself cuz only you know you best. If you want to be selfless, and not think about yourself so much, then it is best to be more at one with the world, putting your trust in it and looking out for its best interest. If you want to have it all, you will be at one with the world but never stop being a loner in some ways. You're at one, but yet you're still you. They know, but yet you still know what's best for you. You have everything.


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I've put it in general banter, because it doesn't belong in the beginner's forum. if you want another forum to put it in, tell me.
  • Being selfless means not lost in such thoughts, but rather seeing the connections within your world. Neither caught in the idea of being a loner or a butterfly, but rather accurately responding.

    Trungpa Rinpoche said that compassion was not the concept of charity. But rather breaking down boundaries and opening to the world.
  • Well, I think people can be social for completely selfish reasons. People might act sociable completely for leverage and not to improve or enhance other peoples' lives. On the other hand, people can be loners for selfless reasons. They might not wanna be a bother or feel like a third wheel, so they stay clear from people. The sociable person, in that particular instance, has little respect for other people and too much esteem for their self, and the loner, in that instance, has too little esteem for their self and too much esteem for others. I think the real solution would be to see everyone as basic equals and to find commonalities in any situation, while respecting and understanding our differences. Yah, we all have aspects of our identities that set us apart. What I notice about self-superior and self-inferior people is they both tend to think they're the only one's that are different. They think of their selves as the individuals and everyone else as the amorphous mass, when, in reality, all people have feelings like that at different times of their lives. This actually gives us a common ground through that over-exaggerated sense of difference from the crowd we all experience,

    There's that song that goes "No one knows what its like to be the bad man be the sad man" which just isn't true.
  • There's that song that goes "No one knows what its like to be the bad man be the sad man" which just isn't true.
    Yeah, but it's still a kick-butt album :)
  • edited February 2011
    double posted
  • There's that song that goes "No one knows what its like to be the bad man be the sad man" which just isn't true.
    Yeah, but it's still a kick-butt album :)
    I agree, and I think that was actually the point of the song. They were trying to capture that loneliness and isolation we all feel every now and then.

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